February 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Feb 1 03:56:08 CET 2009
Ending: Sat Feb 28 23:21:28 CET 2009
Messages: 270
- [MPlayer-users] newbie (I hope) question: inserting videos on a stream
jne 77
- [MPlayer-users] asx duration
jne 77
- [MPlayer-users] asx duration
jne 77
- [MPlayer-users] Request For Assistance
- [MPlayer-users] vdpau and menu
- [MPlayer-users] vdpau and menu
- [MPlayer-users] vdpau and menu
- [MPlayer-users] How do I disable "pts value <= previous" messages?
Eric Appleman
- [MPlayer-users] How do I disable "pts value <= previous" messages?
Eric Appleman
- [MPlayer-users] svn28651 fails to compile in Fedora10
Eric Appleman
- [MPlayer-users] libass scaling for fullscreen
Eric Appleman
- [MPlayer-users] Hypothetical question regarding libass scaling
Eric Appleman
- [MPlayer-users] Fullscreen vo_gl with subtitles freezes X server on Intel 945GM.
Eric Appleman
- [MPlayer-users] Fullscreen vo_gl with subtitles freezes X server on Intel 945GM.
Eric Appleman
- [MPlayer-users] Frame stuttering. What usually causes this?
Eric Appleman
- [MPlayer-users] Frame stuttering. What usually causes this?
Eric Appleman
- [MPlayer-users] MPlayer should be able to read chapter names for MKV files.
Eric Appleman
- [MPlayer-users] Strange issue with AAC audio playback - Please help!
Andrey Baranovsky
- [MPlayer-users] Omitting GUI errors, but keeping console quiet.
Edd Barrett
- [MPlayer-users] playing file from a remote server to its, monitor
Mario Bernheim
- [MPlayer-users] Expand undoing scale?
Martijn van Beurden
- [MPlayer-users] Mplayer can't read a 48kHz/24bit wave. No problem with aplay.
Martijn van Beurden
- [MPlayer-users] VOB aspect ratio mystery
Pádraig Brady
- [MPlayer-users] VOB aspect ratio mystery
Pádraig Brady
- [MPlayer-users] VOB aspect ratio mystery
Pádraig Brady
- [MPlayer-users] debug compiles
Greg Bryant
- [MPlayer-users] MPlayer-users Digest, Vol 62, Issue 39
Greg Bryant
- [MPlayer-users] skipped frames during encoding
Greg Bryant
- [MPlayer-users] skipped frames during encoding
Greg Bryant
- [MPlayer-users] jumping with arrows "<-" and "->"
Mike Castle
- [MPlayer-users] subtitle missing
Mike Castle
- [MPlayer-users] Slow seeking in incomplete files
Nikos Chantziaras
- [MPlayer-users] "-lavdopts threads=2" crash with quicktime videos
Nikos Chantziaras
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Dotan Cohen
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Dotan Cohen
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Dotan Cohen
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Dotan Cohen
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Dotan Cohen
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Dotan Cohen
- [MPlayer-users] Learning with more than one subtitle
Francesco Cosoleto
- [MPlayer-users] rendering to a memory buffer
Chuck Crisler
- [MPlayer-users] rendering to a memory buffer
Chuck Crisler
- [MPlayer-users] Missing -noreally-quiet ?
Chuck Crisler
- [MPlayer-users] X11 shared memory issue/question
Chuck Crisler
- [MPlayer-users] bug parsing -nogui command line option?
Chuck Crisler
- [MPlayer-users] feature request - decode video but don't render to a window
Chuck Crisler
- [MPlayer-users] feature request - decode video but don't render to a window
Chuck Crisler
- [MPlayer-users] Slow seeking in incomplete files
Kevin DeKorte
- [MPlayer-users] playing file from a remote server to its monitor
Kevin DeKorte
- [MPlayer-users] svn28651 fails to compile in Fedora10
Kevin DeKorte
- [MPlayer-users] cropping during playback
Kevin DeKorte
- [MPlayer-users] feature request - decode video but don't render to a window
Kevin DeKorte
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Krzysztof Duchnowski
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Krzysztof Duchnowski
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Krzysztof Duchnowski
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Krzysztof Duchnowski
- [MPlayer-users] Request for assistance, playing my HD-DVD movies
Krzysztof Duchnowski
- [MPlayer-users] Request for assistance, playing my HD-DVD movies
Krzysztof Duchnowski
- [MPlayer-users] Omitting GUI errors, but keeping console quiet.
Krzysztof Duchnowski
- [MPlayer-users] Impossible operand error compiling for strongarm
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] What's the status of ogg theora/vorbis output in mencoder?
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] Impossible operand error compiling for strongarm
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] Slow seeking in incomplete files
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] Request For Assistance
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] mencoder/lavfopts with HTTP sends GET instead of POST
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] Slow seeking in incomplete files
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] Shifting SSA subtitles
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] Request For Assistance
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] Request For Assistance
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] ffmpg build error?
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] jumping with arrows "<-" and "->"
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] ffmpg build error?
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] svga scaling problem
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] Crash playing RealVideo
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] vdpau and menu
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] svn28651 fails to compile in Fedora10
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] Fullscreen vo_gl with subtitles freezes X server on Intel 945GM.
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] gmplayer osd
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] gmplayer osd
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] libvo/vo_vdpau compile error
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] make mistake "libao2/libao2.a"
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] cannot find simple control PCM
Reimar Döffinger
- [MPlayer-users] Question about building Mac OS X version from SVN
- [MPlayer-users] mencoder extremely slow creating mpegs
Christian Ebert
- [MPlayer-users] Shifting SSA subtitles
- [MPlayer-users] mencoder + GPU video conversion
Gregoire Favre
- [MPlayer-users] Learning with more than one subtitle
AlexanDER Franca
- [MPlayer-users] Learning with more than one subtitle
AlexanDER Franca
- [MPlayer-users] svn28651 fails to compile in Fedora10
Henry Garcia
- [MPlayer-users] Compilation error in MinGW with new svn
Henry Garcia
- [MPlayer-users] Compilation error in MinGW with new svn/ disable yasm
Henry Garcia
- [MPlayer-users] Question about building Mac OS X version from SVN
Michael Gaskins
- [MPlayer-users] Question about building Mac OS X version from SVN
Michael Gaskins
- [MPlayer-users] subtitle missing
Nicolas George
- [MPlayer-users] WMV in MOV container failes to open decoders
Andreas Gustafsson
- [MPlayer-users] can't get 6ch surround output to work
Cyrill Helg
- [MPlayer-users] jumping with arrows "<-" and "->"
Robert Henney
- [MPlayer-users] ffmpg build error?
Gene Heskett
- [MPlayer-users] ffmpg build error?
Gene Heskett
- [MPlayer-users] ffmpg build error?
Gene Heskett
- [MPlayer-users] ffmpg build error?
Gene Heskett
- [MPlayer-users] ffmpg build error?
Gene Heskett
- [MPlayer-users] ffmpg build error?
Gene Heskett
- [MPlayer-users] Strange issue with AAC audio playback - Please help!
Carl Eugen Hoyos
- [MPlayer-users] subtitle missing
Carl Eugen Hoyos
- [MPlayer-users] vdpau and menu
Carl Eugen Hoyos
- [MPlayer-users] svn28651 fails to compile in Fedora10
Carl Eugen Hoyos
- [MPlayer-users] vdpau and menu
Carl Eugen Hoyos
- [MPlayer-users] After encoding the video gets twice faster and out of sync
Carl Eugen Hoyos
- [MPlayer-users] Request for assistance, playing my HD-DVD movies
Carl Eugen Hoyos
- [MPlayer-users] libvo/vo_vdpau compile error
Carl Eugen Hoyos
- [MPlayer-users] nellymoserenc.c Compilation issue
Carl Eugen Hoyos
- [MPlayer-users] mplayer vdpau with menu=yes
Carl Eugen Hoyos
- [MPlayer-users] Problems with Mplayer output need yuv output
Carl Eugen Hoyos
- [MPlayer-users] debug compiles
Carl Eugen Hoyos
- [MPlayer-users] Converting from one format to another
- [MPlayer-users] MplayerOSX extended
- [MPlayer-users] mencoder/lavfopts with HTTP sends GET instead of POST
Ken Johanson
- [MPlayer-users] mencoder/lavfopts with HTTP sends GET instead of POST
Ken Johanson
- [MPlayer-users] svn28651 fails to compile in Fedora10
Brianna Jones
- [MPlayer-users] svn28651 fails to compile in Fedora10
Brianna Jones
- [MPlayer-users] svn28651 fails to compile in Fedora10
Brianna Jones
- [MPlayer-users] jumping with arrows "<-" and "->"
Pawel K
- [MPlayer-users] Improving the rendering of DVD subtitles (bitmap)
- [MPlayer-users] Improving the rendering of DVD subtitles (bitmap)
- [MPlayer-users] svga scaling problem
Ivan Kalvachev
- [MPlayer-users] Extract Segments By Specifying Frame Range?
Hibiki Kanzaki
- [MPlayer-users] Extract Segments By Specifying Frame Range?
Hibiki Kanzaki
- [MPlayer-users] After encoding the video gets twice faster and out of sync
Igor Katson
- [MPlayer-users] After encoding the video gets twice faster and out of sync
Igor Katson
- [MPlayer-users] Converting from one format to another
Igor Katson
- [MPlayer-users] Bitrate bug with MEncoder
Jan Knutar
- [MPlayer-users] vdpau and menu
Jan Knutar
- [MPlayer-users] mp3lame autodetection problem
Baldvin Kovacs
- [MPlayer-users] What's the status of ogg theora/vorbis output in mencoder?
Miro Kropacek
- [MPlayer-users] What's the status of ogg theora/vorbis output in mencoder?
Miro Kropacek
- [MPlayer-users] Impossible operand error compiling for strongarm
Christopher L
- [MPlayer-users] Impossible operand error compiling for strongarm
Christopher L
- [MPlayer-users] Request For Assistance
Sarah Lane
- [MPlayer-users] Request For Assistance
Sarah Lane
- [MPlayer-users] Request For Assistance
Sarah Lane
- [MPlayer-users] Request for assistance, playing my HD-DVD movies
Sarah Lane
- [MPlayer-users] Request for assistance, playing my HD-DVD movies
Sarah Lane
- [MPlayer-users] Request for assistance, playing my HD-DVD movies
Sarah Lane
- [MPlayer-users] Request for assistance, playing my HD-DVD movies
Sarah Lane
- [MPlayer-users] bug: weird time reported while playing flac files
Paride Legovini
- [MPlayer-users] Mplayer can't read a 48kHz/24bit wave. No problem with aplay.
Paride Legovini
- [MPlayer-users] v210 codec
S M4y4
- [MPlayer-users] Request for assistance, playing my HD-DVD movies
Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
- [MPlayer-users] Request for assistance, playing my HD-DVD movies
Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
- [MPlayer-users] Mplayer can't read a 48kHz/24bit wave. No problem with aplay.
Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
- [MPlayer-users] svga scaling problem
Stephen Mollett
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Alexander Motin
- [MPlayer-users] What happened to -af volnorm?
Adam Nielsen
- [MPlayer-users] Request for assistance, playing my HD-DVD movies
Adam Nielsen
- [MPlayer-users] feature request - decode video but don't render to a window
Adam Nielsen
- [MPlayer-users] Two audio tracks to different devices
Roman Odaisky
- [MPlayer-users] ffmpg build error?
- [MPlayer-users] ffmpg build error?
- [MPlayer-users] ffmpg build error?
- [MPlayer-users] free format mp3
- [MPlayer-users] ffmpg build error?
- [MPlayer-users] iMovie encoded h264, mplayer says "first frame is no keyframe"
Guillaume POIRIER
- [MPlayer-users] iMovie encoded h264, mplayer says "first frame is no keyframe"
Guillaume POIRIER
- [MPlayer-users] mencoder + GPU video conversion
Guillaume POIRIER
- [MPlayer-users] iMovie encoded h264, mplayer says "first frame is no keyframe"
Guillaume POIRIER
- [MPlayer-users] mencoder + GPU video conversion
Guillaume POIRIER
- [MPlayer-users] MPlayer should be able to read chapter names for MKV files.
Guillaume POIRIER
- [MPlayer-users] jumping with arrows "<-" and "->"
Kostas Peoulodis
- [MPlayer-users] Feature request- Intermediate images
- [MPlayer-users] Feature request- Intermediate images
- [MPlayer-users] Problems with Mplayer output need yuv output
Jan Petersen
- [MPlayer-users] mplayer not finding TrueHD audio track in m2ts-stream
Asfand Yar Qazi
- [MPlayer-users] Does -hr-edl-seek work for any container?
- [MPlayer-users] playing file from a remote server to its monitor
- [MPlayer-users] playing file from a remote server to its, monitor
- [MPlayer-users] Request for assistance, playing my HD-DVD movies
- [MPlayer-users] skipped frames during encoding
- [MPlayer-users] Slow seeking in incomplete files
- [MPlayer-users] Slow seeking in incomplete files
- [MPlayer-users] Slow seeking in incomplete files
- [MPlayer-users] Learning with more than one subtitle
- [MPlayer-users] Missing -noreally-quiet ?
- [MPlayer-users] Mencoder question
- [MPlayer-users] dumping h.264 stream into file
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Phil Rhodes
- [MPlayer-users] Request for assistance, playing my HD-DVD movies
Phil Rhodes
- [MPlayer-users] Request for assistance, playing my HD-DVD movies
Phil Rhodes
- [MPlayer-users] Request for assistance, playing my HD-DVD movies
Phil Rhodes
- [MPlayer-users] Request for assistance, playing my HD-DVD movies
Phil Rhodes
- [MPlayer-users] Feature request- Intermediate images
Phil Rhodes
- [MPlayer-users] Fwd: recording video and voice simultaneously?
Sampsa Riikonen
- [MPlayer-users] subtitle missing
Alexander Roalter
- [MPlayer-users] subtitle missing
Alexander Roalter
- [MPlayer-users] subtitle missing
Alexander Roalter
- [MPlayer-users] Improving the rendering of DVD subtitles (bitmap)
Alexander Roalter
- [MPlayer-users] FFServer aborting on Fedora 10
Da Rock
- [MPlayer-users] ASync issue for ages
Cristian Rusu
- [MPlayer-users] VOB aspect ratio mystery
Nico Sabbi
- [MPlayer-users] mplayer not finding TrueHD audio track in m2ts-stream
Nico Sabbi
- [MPlayer-users] mplayer not finding TrueHD audio track in m2ts-stream
Nico Sabbi
- [MPlayer-users] playing file from a remote server to its monitor
Andrew Savchenko
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Andrew Savchenko
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Oliver Seitz
- [MPlayer-users] rendering to a memory buffer
Oliver Seitz
- [MPlayer-users] rendering to a memory buffer
Oliver Seitz
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Ilja Sekler
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Ilja Sekler
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Ilja Sekler
- [MPlayer-users] Disable audio when using "." to step forward in a movie
Ilja Sekler
- [MPlayer-users] Crash playing RealVideo
Ilja Sekler
- [MPlayer-users] Crash playing RealVideo
Ilja Sekler
- [MPlayer-users] Crash playing RealVideo
Ilja Sekler
- [MPlayer-users] Crash playing RealVideo
Ilja Sekler
- [MPlayer-users] mencoder extremely slow creating mpegs
Tony Smolar
- [MPlayer-users] mplayer not finding TrueHD audio track in m2ts-stream
Rune Svendsen
- [MPlayer-users] mplayer not finding TrueHD audio track in m2ts-stream
Rune Svendsen
- [MPlayer-users] mplayer not finding TrueHD audio track in m2ts-stream
Rune Svendsen
- [MPlayer-users] mplayer not finding TrueHD audio track in m2ts-stream
Rune Svendsen
- [MPlayer-users] Does -hr-edl-seek work for any container?
Jason Tackaberry
- [MPlayer-users] mencoder + GPU video conversion
Robin Thomas
- [MPlayer-users] mencoder + GPU video conversion
Robin Thomas
- [MPlayer-users] mencoder + GPU video conversion
Robin Thomas
- [MPlayer-users] iMovie encoded h264, mplayer says "first frame is no keyframe"
- [MPlayer-users] iMovie encoded h264, mplayer says "first frame is no keyframe"
- [MPlayer-users] iMovie encoded h264, mplayer says "first frame is no keyframe"
- [MPlayer-users] subtitle missing
- [MPlayer-users] subtitle missing
- [MPlayer-users] subtitle missing
- [MPlayer-users] subtitle missing
- [MPlayer-users] subtitle missing
- [MPlayer-users] edl: how to find end of file?
- [MPlayer-users] Question about building Mac OS X version from SVN
David Wagner
- [MPlayer-users] Question about building Mac OS X version from SVN
David Wagner
- [MPlayer-users] VOB aspect ratio mystery
Andrew Wason
- [MPlayer-users] vdpau and menu
Florian Weyandt
- [MPlayer-users] vdpau and menu
Florian Weyandt
- [MPlayer-users] vdpau and menu
Florian Weyandt
- [MPlayer-users] vdpau and menu
Florian Weyandt
- [MPlayer-users] mplayer vdpau with menu=yes
Florian Weyandt
- [MPlayer-users] Unable to play stream
- [MPlayer-users] make mistake "libao2/libao2.a"
michael at begegnungsstaette-silbernkamp.de
- [MPlayer-users] mencoder extremely slow creating mpegs
- [MPlayer-users] mencoder extremely slow creating mpegs
- [MPlayer-users] skipped frames during encoding
- [MPlayer-users] How to use -vo zr/zr2
rray_1 at comcast.net
- [MPlayer-users] playing file from a remote server to its monitor
Pierpaolo gulla
- [MPlayer-users] playing file from a remote server to its, monitor
Pierpaolo gulla
- [MPlayer-users] yuv4mpeg options
naresh kanna
- [MPlayer-users] mencoder, conversion from mng files to ?
- [MPlayer-users] mplayer bug with -fps
turik at mail.ru
- [MPlayer-users] MPlayer-users Digest, Vol 62, Issue 23
turik at mail.ru
- [MPlayer-users] gmplayer osd
- [MPlayer-users] gmplayer osd
- [MPlayer-users] gmplayer osd
- [MPlayer-users] Bitrate bug with MEncoder
qewqe qweqwe
- [MPlayer-users] Compilation error in MinGW with new svn
- [MPlayer-users] Compilation error in MinGW with new svn
- [MPlayer-users] Compilation error in MinGW with new svn
- [MPlayer-users] libvo/vo_vdpau compile error
tobias saunders
- [MPlayer-users] libvo/vo_vdpau compile error
tobias saunders
- [MPlayer-users] nellymoserenc.c Compilation issue
tobias saunders
- [MPlayer-users] nellymoserenc.c Compilation issue
tobias saunders
- [MPlayer-users] nellymoserenc.c Compilation issue
tobias saunders
- [MPlayer-users] cannot find simple control PCM
peng shao
- [MPlayer-users] cannot find simple control PCM
peng shao
Last message date:
Sat Feb 28 23:21:28 CET 2009
Archived on: Sat Mar 21 19:32:08 CET 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).