[MPlayer-advusers] Re: FAAD problem on AMD64: no sound

Daniel Hottinger mplayer at hotti.ch
Fri Mar 25 18:17:16 CET 2005

Thanks for your quick answer.

* On the 84th day of the year MMV a.d., Diego Biurrun wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2005 at 01:27:08PM +0100, Daniel Hottinger wrote:
> > 
> > There seems to be a problem with the internal libfaad on amd64.
> > The sample file has two audio streams: AAC and Ogg/Vorbis. The
> > playback of the 6-channel AAC stream [faad] is completely silent
> > (but the volume is normal at 50%) while the playback of the
> > 2-channel Ogg/Vorbis stream [libvorbis] works. Surround ist not
> > the problem since wav-files with 6 channels work. Also, on my
> > laptop (Pentium III, x86) faad works nicely with the same file
> > and the /same/ relevant output:
> Hmm, the first thing we need to find out is whether older versions of
> libfaad that were included in MPlayer before have this problem or not
> and whether this occurs with external libfaad.  Please try 1.0pre5,
> which contains libfaad 2.0 and 1.0pre4, which comes with a pre-2.0 CVS
> snapshot and report back.  Also please try compiling your own libfaad as
> described in
> http://mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/codecs.html#aac

Ok, I have tried them. Full output of mplayer -v is attached.

1.0pre4, internal libfaad: zx.eva.renewal.01.divx511.mkv_pre4.txt
    -> FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword
    -> ds_fill_buffer: EOF reached (stream: audio)  
    -> No sound with faad
    -> Second audio track with Ogg/Vorbis works fine.

1.0pre5, internal libfaad: zx.eva.renewal.01.divx511.mkv_pre5.txt
    -> FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword
    -> ds_fill_buffer: EOF reached (stream: audio)
    -> No sound with faad
    -> Second audio track with Ogg/Vorbis works fine.

libfaad from http://www.audiocoding.com/modules/mydownloads/:
    -> Latest CVS Snapshot is 2004-09-15. sh bootstrap fails to
    generate ./configure. (with automake 1.4-p6 and autoconf
    -> FAAD2 2.0 Source (also 2004-09-15). sh bootstrap gives
    some warnings, Makefile must be fixed by hand. Compiles but
    cannot be linked against mplayer (undefined symbols
    `raw_data_block' `can_decode_ot' `filter_bank_init'
    `sbrDecodeEnd' `get_sample_rate' `faad_free' `output_to_PCM'
    `AudioSpecificConfig2' `filter_bank_end' `faad_malloc'
    `adts_frame' `get_sr_index' `get_adif_header' `err_msg' while
    Maybe I fixed the Makefile the wrong way.

> or install the Debian package of FAAD (Marillat packages it, just ask
> apt-get.org, or go directly to http://hpisi.nerim.net/) and configure
> MPlayer with --enable-external-faad.

cvs-version, external libfaad (precompiled deb's):
    -> FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword
    -> ds_fill_buffer: EOF reached (stream: audio)
    -> No sound with faad
    -> Second audio track with Ogg/Vorbis works fine.

Any ideas? ;-)


I was trained in the culture of mathematics, so I'm not used to charging 
people a penny every time they use a theorem I proved. But I charge somebody 
for the time I spend telling them which theorem to apply.  -- D.E. Knuth
-------------- next part --------------
MPlayer 1.0pre4-3.3.5 (C) 2000-2004 MPlayer Team

CPU: Advanced Micro Devices 64-bit CPU
Reading config file /usr/local/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf: No such file or directory
Reading config file /home/hotti/.mplayer/config
Reading /home/hotti/.mplayer/codecs.conf: Can't open '/home/hotti/.mplayer/codecs.conf': No such file or directory
Reading /usr/local/etc/mplayer/codecs.conf: Can't open '/usr/local/etc/mplayer/codecs.conf': No such file or directory
Using built-in default codecs.conf.
CommandLine: '-v' '/d1/anime/evangelion/zx.eva.renewal/zx.eva.renewal.01.divx511.mkv'
get_path('font/font.desc') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/font/font.desc'
font: can't open file: /home/hotti/.mplayer/font/font.desc
font: can't open file: /usr/local/share/mplayer/font/font.desc
Using Unoptimized OnScreenDisplay
Failed to open /dev/rtc: No such file or directory (/dev/rtc should be readable by the user.)
Using usleep() timing
get_path('input.conf') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/input.conf'
Can't open input config file /home/hotti/.mplayer/input.conf: No such file or directory
Can't open input config file /usr/local/etc/mplayer/input.conf: No such file or directory
Falling back on default (hardcoded) input config
get_path('zx.eva.renewal.01.divx511.mkv.conf') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/zx.eva.renewal.01.divx511.mkv.conf'

Playing /d1/anime/evangelion/zx.eva.renewal/zx.eva.renewal.01.divx511.mkv.
[file] File size is 367907436 bytes
STREAM: [file] /d1/anime/evangelion/zx.eva.renewal/zx.eva.renewal.01.divx511.mkv
STREAM: Description: File
STREAM: Author: Albeu
STREAM: Comment: based on the code from ??? (probably Arpi)
Checking for YUV4MPEG2
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x9a6e80  
ASF_check: not ASF guid!
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x9a6e80  
Checking for Nullsoft Streaming Video
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x9a6e80  
Checking for NuppelVideo
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x9a6e80  
Checking for REAL
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x9a6e80  
Checking for SMJPEG
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x9a6e80  
[mkv] Found the head...
[mkv] + a segment...
[mkv] /---- [ parsing seek head ] ---------
[mkv] /---- [ parsing seek head ] ---------
[mkv] \---- [ parsing seek head ] ---------
[mkv] /---- [ parsing cues ] -----------
[mkv] \---- [ parsing cues ] -----------
[mkv] /---- [ parsing chapters ] ---------
[mkv] Chapter 1 from 00:00:00.000 to 00:01:32.801
[mkv] Chapter 2 from 00:01:32.801 to 00:22:00.519
[mkv] Chapter 3 from 00:22:00.519 to 00:23:06.703
[mkv] Chapter 4 from 00:23:06.703 to 00:23:21.460
[mkv] \---- [ parsing chapters ] ---------
[mkv] \---- [ parsing seek head ] ---------
[mkv] |+ segment information...
[mkv] | + duration: 1417.231s
[mkv] |+ segment tracks...
[mkv] | + a track...
[mkv] |  + Track number: 1
[mkv] |  + Track type: Video
[mkv] |  + Codec ID: V_MS/VFW/FOURCC
[mkv] |  + CodecPrivate, length 40
[mkv] |  + Default duration: 41.708ms ( = 23.976 fps)
[mkv] |  + Default flag: 1
[mkv] |  + Language: eng
[mkv] |  + Video track
[mkv] |   + Pixel width: 704
[mkv] |   + Pixel height: 480
[mkv] |   + Display width: 704
[mkv] |   + Display height: 528
[mkv] | + a track...
[mkv] |  + Track number: 2
[mkv] |  + Track type: Audio
[mkv] |  + Codec ID: A_AAC/MPEG4/LC/SBR
[mkv] |  + Default duration: 46.440ms ( = 21.533 fps)
[mkv] |  + Default flag: 1
[mkv] |  + Language: jpn
[mkv] |  + Audio track
[mkv] |   + Sampling frequency: 22050.000000
[mkv] |   + Channels: 6
[mkv] | + a track...
[mkv] |  + Track number: 3
[mkv] |  + Track type: Audio
[mkv] |  + Codec ID: A_VORBIS
[mkv] |  + CodecPrivate, length 3970
[mkv] |  + Default flag: 0
[mkv] |  + Language: eng
[mkv] |  + Audio track
[mkv] |   + Sampling frequency: 48000.000000
[mkv] |   + Channels: 2
[mkv] | + a track...
[mkv] |  + Track number: 4
[mkv] |  + Track type: Subtitle
[mkv] |  + Codec ID: S_TEXT/UTF8
[mkv] |  + Default flag: 1
[mkv] |  + Language: eng
[mkv] | + a track...
[mkv] |  + Track number: 5
[mkv] |  + Track type: Subtitle
[mkv] |  + Codec ID: S_TEXT/UTF8
[mkv] |  + Default flag: 0
[mkv] |  + Language: ger
[mkv] |+ found cluster, headers are parsed completely :)
[mkv] Track ID 1: video (V_MS/VFW/FOURCC), -vid 0
[mkv] Track ID 2: audio (A_AAC/MPEG4/LC/SBR), -aid 0, -alang jpn
[mkv] Track ID 3: audio (A_VORBIS), -aid 1, -alang eng
[mkv] Track ID 4: sutitles (S_TEXT/UTF8), -sid 0, -slang eng
[mkv] Track ID 5: sutitles (S_TEXT/UTF8), -sid 1, -slang ger
==> Found video stream: 1
[mkv] Aspect: 1.333333
[mkv] Will play video track 1
==> Found audio stream: 2
[mkv] Will play audio track 2
Matroska file format detected.
[V] filefmt:31  fourcc:0x30355844  size:704x480  fps:23.98  ftime:=0.0417
get_path('sub/') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/sub/'
get_path('default.sub') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/default.sub'
Opening audio decoder: [faad] AAC (MPEG2/4 Advanced Audio Coding)
dec_audio: Allocating 4608 bytes for input buffer.
dec_audio: Allocating 49152 + 65536 = 114688 bytes for output buffer.
FAAD: Decoder init done (0Bytes)!
FAAD: Negotiated samplerate: 44100Hz  channels: 6
FAAD: compressed input bitrate missing, assuming 128kbit/s!
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 6 ch, 16 bit (0x10), ratio: 16000->529200 (128.0 kbit)
Selected audio codec: [faad] afm:faad (FAAD AAC (MPEG2/MPEG4 Audio) decoder)
X11 opening display: :0.0
vo: X11 color mask:  FFFFFF  (R:FF0000 G:FF00 B:FF)
vo: X11 running at 1280x1024 with depth 24 and 32 bpp (":0.0" => local display)
[x11] Detected wm supports NetWM.
[x11] Detected wm supports FULLSCREEN state.
[x11] Detected wm supports ABOVE state.
[x11] Detected wm supports BELOW state.
[x11] Current fstype setting honours FULLSCREEN ABOVE BELOW X atoms
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
INFO: libavcodec init OK!
Selected video codec: [ffodivx] vfm:ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG-4)
Checking audio filter chain for 44100Hz/6ch/16bit -> 44100Hz/2ch/16bit...
[libaf] Adding filter dummy 
[dummy] Was reinitialized, rate=44100Hz, nch = 6, format = 0x00000001 and bps = 2
AF_pre: af format: 2 bps, 6 ch, 44100 hz, little endian signed int 
AF_pre: 44100Hz 6ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
ao2: 44100 Hz  2 chans  Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
audio_setup: using '/dev/dsp' dsp device
audio_setup: using '/dev/mixer' mixer device
audio_setup: using 'pcm' mixer device
audio_setup: sample format: Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian) (requested: Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian))
audio_setup: using 2 channels (requested: 2)
audio_setup: using 44100 Hz samplerate (requested: 44100)
audio_setup: frags:  14/14  (4096 bytes/frag)  free:  57344
AO: [oss] 44100Hz 2ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian) (2 bps)
AO: Description: OSS/ioctl audio output
AO: Author: A'rpi
Building audio filter chain for 44100Hz/6ch/16bit -> 44100Hz/2ch/16bit...
[dummy] Was reinitialized, rate=44100Hz, nch = 6, format = 0x00000001 and bps = 2
[libaf] Adding filter channels 
[channels] Changing number of channels to 2
[dummy] Was reinitialized, rate=44100Hz, nch = 6, format = 0x00000001 and bps = 2
Starting playback...
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 

Too many video packets in the buffer: (262 in 8409599 bytes).
Maybe you are playing a non-interleaved stream/file or the codec failed?
For AVI files, try to force non-interleaved mode with the -ni option.
ds_fill_buffer: EOF reached (stream: audio)  
[libaf] Reallocating memory in module channels, old len = 0, new len = 12
[ffmpeg] aspect_ratio: 1.466667
VDec: vo config request - 704 x 480 (preferred csp: Planar YV12)
Trying filter chain: vo
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is 1.33:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
VO Config (704x480->704x528,flags=0,'MPlayer',0x32315659)
VO: [xv] 704x480 => 704x528 Planar YV12 
VO: Description: X11/Xv
VO: Author: Gerd Knorr <kraxel at goldbach.in-berlin.de> and others
Xvideo image format: 0x32595559 (YUY2) packed
Xvideo image format: 0x32315659 (YV12) planar
Xvideo image format: 0x30323449 (I420) planar
Xvideo image format: 0x59565955 (UYVY) packed
using Xvideo port 69 for hw scaling
[xv] dx: 0 dy: 0 dw: 704 dh: 564
*** [vo] Allocating (slices) mp_image_t, 704x480x12bpp YUV planar, 506880 bytes
[xv] dx: 0 dy: 0 dw: 704 dh: 564
A:  11.2 V:  10.9 A-V:  0.353 ct:  0.000    1/  1   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
*** [vo] Allocating (slices) mp_image_t, 704x480x12bpp YUV planar, 506880 bytes
get_path('subfont.ttf') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/subfont.ttf'
Unicode font: 218 glyphs.
A:  11.2 V:   0.0 A-V: 11.197 ct:  0.004    2/  2   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
*** [vo] Allocating (slices) mp_image_t, 704x480x12bpp YUV planar, 506880 bytes
A:  11.2 V:   0.1 A-V: 11.155 ct:  0.008    3/  3   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.1 A-V: 11.113 ct:  0.013    4/  4   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.2 A-V: 11.072 ct:  0.017    5/  5   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.2 A-V: 11.030 ct:  0.021    6/  6   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.2 A-V: 10.988 ct:  0.025    7/  7   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.3 A-V: 10.947 ct:  0.029    8/  8   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.3 A-V: 10.905 ct:  0.033    9/  9   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.4 A-V: 10.863 ct:  0.038   10/ 10   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.4 A-V: 10.821 ct:  0.042   11/ 11   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.5 A-V: 10.780 ct:  0.046   12/ 12   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.5 A-V: 10.738 ct:  0.050   13/ 13   6% 26% 114.6% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.5 A-V: 10.696 ct:  0.054   14/ 14   6% 25% 105.8% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.6 A-V: 10.655 ct:  0.058   15/ 15   5% 25% 98.2% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.6 A-V: 10.613 ct:  0.063   16/ 16   5% 25% 91.7% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.7 A-V: 10.571 ct:  0.067   17/ 17   5% 25% 86.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.7 A-V: 10.529 ct:  0.071   18/ 18   5% 25% 80.9% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.8 A-V: 10.488 ct:  0.075   19/ 19   5% 25% 76.3% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.8 A-V: 10.446 ct:  0.079   20/ 20   5% 25% 72.4% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.8 A-V: 10.404 ct:  0.083   21/ 21   5% 25% 68.8% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.9 A-V: 10.363 ct:  0.088   22/ 22   5% 25% 65.5% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   0.9 A-V: 10.321 ct:  0.092   23/ 23   5% 25% 62.5% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.0 A-V: 10.279 ct:  0.096   24/ 24   5% 25% 59.8% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.0 A-V: 10.237 ct:  0.100   25/ 25   4% 25% 57.3% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.0 A-V: 10.196 ct:  0.104   26/ 26   4% 25% 55.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.1 A-V: 10.154 ct:  0.108   27/ 27   4% 25% 52.9% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.1 A-V: 10.112 ct:  0.113   28/ 28   4% 25% 50.9% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.2 A-V: 10.071 ct:  0.117   29/ 29   4% 25% 49.1% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.2 A-V: 10.029 ct:  0.121   30/ 30   4% 25% 47.4% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.3 A-V:  9.987 ct:  0.125   31/ 31   4% 25% 45.8% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.3 A-V:  9.946 ct:  0.129   32/ 32   4% 25% 44.4% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.3 A-V:  9.904 ct:  0.133   33/ 33   4% 25% 43.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.4 A-V:  9.862 ct:  0.138   34/ 34   4% 25% 41.7% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.4 A-V:  9.820 ct:  0.142   35/ 35   4% 25% 40.4% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.5 A-V:  9.779 ct:  0.146   36/ 36   4% 25% 39.3% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.5 A-V:  9.737 ct:  0.150   37/ 37   4% 25% 38.2% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.5 A-V:  9.695 ct:  0.154   38/ 38   4% 25% 37.2% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.6 A-V:  9.654 ct:  0.158   39/ 39   4% 25% 36.2% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.6 A-V:  9.612 ct:  0.163   40/ 40   4% 25% 35.3% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.7 A-V:  9.570 ct:  0.167   41/ 41   3% 25% 34.4% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.7 A-V:  9.528 ct:  0.171   42/ 42   4% 25% 33.5% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.8 A-V:  9.487 ct:  0.175   43/ 43   4% 25% 32.7% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.8 A-V:  9.445 ct:  0.179   44/ 44   4% 25% 32.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.8 A-V:  9.403 ct:  0.184   45/ 45   4% 25% 31.3% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.9 A-V:  9.362 ct:  0.188   46/ 46   4% 25% 30.6% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   1.9 A-V:  9.320 ct:  0.192   47/ 47   4% 25% 29.9% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.0 A-V:  9.278 ct:  0.196   48/ 48   4% 25% 29.3% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.0 A-V:  9.236 ct:  0.200   49/ 49   5% 25% 28.7% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.0 A-V:  9.195 ct:  0.204   50/ 50   5% 25% 28.1% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.1 A-V:  9.153 ct:  0.209   51/ 51   5% 25% 27.5% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.1 A-V:  9.111 ct:  0.213   52/ 52   5% 25% 27.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.2 A-V:  9.070 ct:  0.217   53/ 53   5% 25% 26.4% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.2 A-V:  9.028 ct:  0.221   54/ 54   5% 25% 26.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.3 A-V:  8.986 ct:  0.225   55/ 55   5% 25% 25.5% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.3 A-V:  8.945 ct:  0.229   56/ 56   5% 25% 25.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.3 A-V:  8.903 ct:  0.234   57/ 57   5% 25% 24.6% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.4 A-V:  8.861 ct:  0.238   58/ 58   5% 25% 24.1% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.4 A-V:  8.819 ct:  0.242   59/ 59   5% 25% 23.7% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.5 A-V:  8.778 ct:  0.246   60/ 60   5% 25% 23.3% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.5 A-V:  8.736 ct:  0.250   61/ 61   5% 25% 22.9% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.5 A-V:  8.694 ct:  0.254   62/ 62   5% 25% 22.5% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.6 A-V:  8.653 ct:  0.259   63/ 63   5% 25% 22.2% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.6 A-V:  8.611 ct:  0.263   64/ 64   5% 25% 21.8% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.7 A-V:  8.569 ct:  0.267   65/ 65   5% 25% 21.5% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.7 A-V:  8.527 ct:  0.271   66/ 66   5% 25% 21.2% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.8 A-V:  8.486 ct:  0.275   67/ 67   5% 25% 20.8% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.8 A-V:  8.444 ct:  0.279   68/ 68   5% 25% 20.5% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.8 A-V:  8.402 ct:  0.284   69/ 69   5% 25% 20.2% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.9 A-V:  8.361 ct:  0.288   70/ 70   5% 25% 19.9% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   2.9 A-V:  8.319 ct:  0.292   71/ 71   5% 25% 19.7% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.0 A-V:  8.277 ct:  0.296   72/ 72   5% 25% 19.4% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.0 A-V:  8.235 ct:  0.300   73/ 73   5% 25% 19.1% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.0 A-V:  8.194 ct:  0.304   74/ 74   5% 25% 18.8% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.1 A-V:  8.152 ct:  0.309   75/ 75   5% 25% 18.6% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.1 A-V:  8.110 ct:  0.313   76/ 76   5% 25% 18.3% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.2 A-V:  8.069 ct:  0.317   77/ 77   5% 25% 18.1% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.2 A-V:  8.027 ct:  0.321   78/ 78   5% 25% 17.9% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.3 A-V:  7.985 ct:  0.325   79/ 79   5% 25% 17.6% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.3 A-V:  7.944 ct:  0.329   80/ 80   5% 25% 17.4% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.3 A-V:  7.902 ct:  0.334   81/ 81   5% 25% 17.2% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.4 A-V:  7.860 ct:  0.338   82/ 82   5% 25% 17.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.4 A-V:  7.818 ct:  0.342   83/ 83   5% 25% 16.8% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.5 A-V:  7.777 ct:  0.346   84/ 84   5% 25% 16.6% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.5 A-V:  7.735 ct:  0.350   85/ 85   5% 25% 16.4% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.5 A-V:  7.693 ct:  0.355   86/ 86   5% 25% 16.2% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.6 A-V:  7.652 ct:  0.359   87/ 87   5% 25% 16.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.6 A-V:  7.610 ct:  0.363   88/ 88   5% 25% 15.8% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.7 A-V:  7.568 ct:  0.367   89/ 89   5% 25% 15.6% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.7 A-V:  7.526 ct:  0.371   90/ 90   5% 25% 15.5% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.8 A-V:  7.485 ct:  0.375   91/ 91   5% 25% 15.3% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.8 A-V:  7.443 ct:  0.380   92/ 92   5% 25% 15.1% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.8 A-V:  7.401 ct:  0.384   93/ 93   5% 25% 15.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.9 A-V:  7.360 ct:  0.388   94/ 94   5% 25% 14.8% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   3.9 A-V:  7.318 ct:  0.392   95/ 95   5% 25% 14.6% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.0 A-V:  7.276 ct:  0.396   96/ 96   5% 25% 14.5% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.0 A-V:  7.234 ct:  0.400   97/ 97   5% 25% 14.3% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.0 A-V:  7.193 ct:  0.405   98/ 98   5% 25% 14.2% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.1 A-V:  7.151 ct:  0.409   99/ 99   5% 25% 14.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.1 A-V:  7.109 ct:  0.413  100/100   5% 25% 13.9% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.2 A-V:  7.068 ct:  0.417  101/101   5% 25% 13.8% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.2 A-V:  7.026 ct:  0.421  102/102   5% 25% 13.6% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.3 A-V:  6.984 ct:  0.425  103/103   5% 25% 13.5% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.3 A-V:  6.943 ct:  0.430  104/104   5% 25% 13.4% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.3 A-V:  6.901 ct:  0.434  105/105   6% 25% 13.2% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.4 A-V:  6.859 ct:  0.438  106/106   6% 25% 13.1% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.4 A-V:  6.817 ct:  0.442  107/107   6% 25% 13.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.5 A-V:  6.776 ct:  0.446  108/108   6% 25% 12.9% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.5 A-V:  6.734 ct:  0.450  109/109   6% 25% 12.7% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.5 A-V:  6.692 ct:  0.455  110/110   6% 25% 12.6% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.6 A-V:  6.651 ct:  0.459  111/111   6% 25% 12.5% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.6 A-V:  6.609 ct:  0.463  112/112   6% 25% 12.4% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.7 A-V:  6.567 ct:  0.467  113/113   6% 25% 12.3% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.7 A-V:  6.525 ct:  0.471  114/114   6% 25% 12.2% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.8 A-V:  6.484 ct:  0.475  115/115   6% 25% 12.1% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.8 A-V:  6.442 ct:  0.480  116/116   6% 25% 12.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.8 A-V:  6.400 ct:  0.484  117/117   6% 25% 11.9% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.9 A-V:  6.359 ct:  0.488  118/118   6% 25% 11.8% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   4.9 A-V:  6.317 ct:  0.492  119/119   6% 25% 11.7% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.0 A-V:  6.275 ct:  0.496  120/120   6% 25% 11.6% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.0 A-V:  6.233 ct:  0.501  121/121   6% 25% 11.5% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.0 A-V:  6.192 ct:  0.505  122/122   6% 25% 11.4% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.1 A-V:  6.150 ct:  0.509  123/123   6% 25% 11.3% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.1 A-V:  6.108 ct:  0.513  124/124   6% 25% 11.2% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.2 A-V:  6.067 ct:  0.517  125/125   6% 25% 11.1% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.2 A-V:  6.025 ct:  0.521  126/126   6% 25% 11.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.3 A-V:  5.983 ct:  0.526  127/127   6% 25% 10.9% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.3 A-V:  5.942 ct:  0.530  128/128   6% 25% 10.8% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.3 A-V:  5.900 ct:  0.534  129/129   6% 25% 10.7% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.4 A-V:  5.858 ct:  0.538  130/130   6% 25% 10.7% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.4 A-V:  5.816 ct:  0.542  131/131   6% 25% 10.6% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.5 A-V:  5.775 ct:  0.546  132/132   6% 25% 10.5% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.5 A-V:  5.733 ct:  0.551  133/133   6% 25% 10.4% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.5 A-V:  5.691 ct:  0.555  134/134   6% 25% 10.3% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.6 A-V:  5.650 ct:  0.559  135/135   6% 25% 10.3% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.6 A-V:  5.608 ct:  0.563  136/136   6% 25% 10.2% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.7 A-V:  5.566 ct:  0.567  137/137   6% 25% 10.1% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.7 A-V:  5.524 ct:  0.571  138/138   6% 25% 10.0% 0 0 0%
A:  11.2 V:   5.8 A-V:  5.483 ct:  0.576  139/139   6% 25% 10.0% 0 0 0%
Uninit audio filters...
[libaf] Removing filter dummy 
[libaf] Removing filter channels 
uninit audio: faad
FAAD: Closing decoder!
uninit video: ffmpeg
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x9a80b0  
DEMUXER: freeing sh_video at 0x9b4970  
DEMUXER: freeing sh_audio at 0x9b4a30  
vo: uninit ...

Exiting... (Quit)
-------------- next part --------------
MPlayer 1.0pre5-3.3.5 (C) 2000-2004 MPlayer Team

CPU: Advanced Micro Devices 64-bit CPU
Reading config file /usr/local/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf: No such file or directory
Reading config file /home/hotti/.mplayer/config
Reading /home/hotti/.mplayer/codecs.conf: Can't open '/home/hotti/.mplayer/codecs.conf': No such file or directory
Reading /usr/local/etc/mplayer/codecs.conf: Can't open '/usr/local/etc/mplayer/codecs.conf': No such file or directory
Using built-in default codecs.conf.
CommandLine: '-v' '/d1/anime/evangelion/zx.eva.renewal/zx.eva.renewal.01.divx511.mkv'
get_path('font/font.desc') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/font/font.desc'
font: can't open file: /home/hotti/.mplayer/font/font.desc
font: can't open file: /usr/local/share/mplayer/font/font.desc
Using Unoptimized OnScreenDisplay
Failed to open /dev/rtc: No such file or directory (it should be readable by the user.)
Using usleep() timing
get_path('input.conf') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/input.conf'
Can't open input config file /home/hotti/.mplayer/input.conf: No such file or directory
Can't open input config file /usr/local/etc/mplayer/input.conf: No such file or directory
Falling back on default (hardcoded) input config
get_path('zx.eva.renewal.01.divx511.mkv.conf') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/zx.eva.renewal.01.divx511.mkv.conf'

Playing /d1/anime/evangelion/zx.eva.renewal/zx.eva.renewal.01.divx511.mkv.
[file] File size is 367907436 bytes
STREAM: [file] /d1/anime/evangelion/zx.eva.renewal/zx.eva.renewal.01.divx511.mkv
STREAM: Description: File
STREAM: Author: Albeu
STREAM: Comment: based on the code from ??? (probably Arpi)
Checking for YUV4MPEG2
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x9c13b0  
ASF_check: not ASF guid!
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x9c13b0  
Checking for Nullsoft Streaming Video
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x9c13b0  
Checking for NuppelVideo
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x9c13b0  
Checking for REAL
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x9c13b0  
Checking for SMJPEG
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x9c13b0  
[mkv] Found the head...
[mkv] + a segment...
[mkv] /---- [ parsing seek head ] ---------
[mkv] /---- [ parsing seek head ] ---------
[mkv] \---- [ parsing seek head ] ---------
[mkv] /---- [ parsing cues ] -----------
[mkv] \---- [ parsing cues ] -----------
[mkv] /---- [ parsing chapters ] ---------
[mkv] Chapter 1 from 00:00:00.000 to 00:01:32.801
[mkv] Chapter 2 from 00:01:32.801 to 00:22:00.519
[mkv] Chapter 3 from 00:22:00.519 to 00:23:06.703
[mkv] Chapter 4 from 00:23:06.703 to 00:23:21.460
[mkv] \---- [ parsing chapters ] ---------
[mkv] \---- [ parsing seek head ] ---------
[mkv] |+ segment information...
[mkv] | + duration: 1417.231s
[mkv] |+ segment tracks...
[mkv] | + a track...
[mkv] |  + Track number: 1
[mkv] |  + Track type: Video
[mkv] |  + Codec ID: V_MS/VFW/FOURCC
[mkv] |  + CodecPrivate, length 40
[mkv] |  + Default duration: 41.708ms ( = 23.976 fps)
[mkv] |  + Default flag: 1
[mkv] |  + Language: eng
[mkv] |  + Video track
[mkv] |   + Pixel width: 704
[mkv] |   + Pixel height: 480
[mkv] |   + Display width: 704
[mkv] |   + Display height: 528
[mkv] | + a track...
[mkv] |  + Track number: 2
[mkv] |  + Track type: Audio
[mkv] |  + Codec ID: A_AAC/MPEG4/LC/SBR
[mkv] |  + Default duration: 46.440ms ( = 21.533 fps)
[mkv] |  + Default flag: 1
[mkv] |  + Language: jpn
[mkv] |  + Audio track
[mkv] |   + Sampling frequency: 22050.000000
[mkv] |   + Channels: 6
[mkv] | + a track...
[mkv] |  + Track number: 3
[mkv] |  + Track type: Audio
[mkv] |  + Codec ID: A_VORBIS
[mkv] |  + CodecPrivate, length 3970
[mkv] |  + Default flag: 0
[mkv] |  + Language: eng
[mkv] |  + Audio track
[mkv] |   + Sampling frequency: 48000.000000
[mkv] |   + Channels: 2
[mkv] | + a track...
[mkv] |  + Track number: 4
[mkv] |  + Track type: Subtitle
[mkv] |  + Codec ID: S_TEXT/UTF8
[mkv] |  + Default flag: 1
[mkv] |  + Language: eng
[mkv] | + a track...
[mkv] |  + Track number: 5
[mkv] |  + Track type: Subtitle
[mkv] |  + Codec ID: S_TEXT/UTF8
[mkv] |  + Default flag: 0
[mkv] |  + Language: ger
[mkv] |+ found cluster, headers are parsed completely :)
[mkv] Track ID 1: video (V_MS/VFW/FOURCC), -vid 0
[mkv] Track ID 2: audio (A_AAC/MPEG4/LC/SBR), -aid 0, -alang jpn
[mkv] Track ID 3: audio (A_VORBIS), -aid 1, -alang eng
[mkv] Track ID 4: sutitles (S_TEXT/UTF8), -sid 0, -slang eng
[mkv] Track ID 5: sutitles (S_TEXT/UTF8), -sid 1, -slang ger
==> Found video stream: 1
[mkv] Aspect: 1.333333
[mkv] Will play video track 1
==> Found audio stream: 2
[mkv] Will play audio track 2
Matroska file format detected.
[V] filefmt:31  fourcc:0x30355844  size:704x480  fps:23.98  ftime:=0.0417
get_path('sub/') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/sub/'
get_path('default.sub') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/default.sub'
Opening audio decoder: [faad] AAC (MPEG2/4 Advanced Audio Coding)
dec_audio: Allocating 4608 bytes for input buffer.
dec_audio: Allocating 49152 + 65536 = 114688 bytes for output buffer.
FAAD: Decoder init done (0Bytes)!
FAAD: Negotiated samplerate: 44100Hz  channels: 6
FAAD: compressed input bitrate missing, assuming 128kbit/s!
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 6 ch, 16 bit (0x10), ratio: 16000->529200 (128.0 kbit)
Selected audio codec: [faad] afm:faad (FAAD AAC (MPEG2/MPEG4 Audio) decoder)
X11 opening display: :0.0
vo: X11 color mask:  FFFFFF  (R:FF0000 G:FF00 B:FF)
vo: X11 running at 1280x1024 with depth 24 and 32 bpp (":0.0" => local display)
[x11] Detected wm supports NetWM.
[x11] Detected wm supports FULLSCREEN state.
[x11] Detected wm supports ABOVE state.
[x11] Detected wm supports BELOW state.
[x11] Current fstype setting honours FULLSCREEN ABOVE BELOW X atoms
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
INFO: libavcodec init OK!
Selected video codec: [ffodivx] vfm:ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG-4)
Checking audio filter chain for 44100Hz/6ch/16bit -> 44100Hz/2ch/16bit...
[libaf] Adding filter dummy 
[dummy] Was reinitialized, rate=44100Hz, nch = 6, format = 0x00000001 and bps = 2
AF_pre: af format: 2 bps, 6 ch, 44100 hz, little endian signed int 
AF_pre: 44100Hz 6ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
alsa-init: requested format: 44100 Hz, 2 channels, Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian)
alsa-init: compiled for ALSA-1.0.8
alsa-init: setup for 1/2 channel(s)
alsa-init: got device=0, subdevice=0
alsa-init: 1 soundcard found, using: default
alsa-init: pcm opend in block-mode
alsa-init: chunksize set to 1024
alsa-init: fragcount=14
alsa-init: got buffersize=57364
alsa: 44100 Hz/2 channels/4 bpf/57364 bytes buffer/Signed 16 bit Little Endian
AO: [alsa] 44100Hz 2ch Signed 16-bit (Little-Endian) (2 bps)
AO: Description: ALSA-0.9.x-1.x audio output
AO: Author: Alex Beregszaszi, Zsolt Barat <joy at streamminister.de>
AO: Comment: under developement
Building audio filter chain for 44100Hz/6ch/16bit -> 44100Hz/2ch/16bit...
[dummy] Was reinitialized, rate=44100Hz, nch = 6, format = 0x00000001 and bps = 2
[libaf] Adding filter channels 
[channels] Changing number of channels to 2
[dummy] Was reinitialized, rate=44100Hz, nch = 6, format = 0x00000001 and bps = 2
Starting playback...
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 

Too many video packets in the buffer: (262 in 8409599 bytes).
Maybe you are playing a non-interleaved stream/file or the codec failed?
For AVI files, try to force non-interleaved mode with the -ni option.
ds_fill_buffer: EOF reached (stream: audio)  
[libaf] Reallocating memory in module channels, old len = 0, new len = 12
[ffmpeg] aspect_ratio: 1.466667
VDec: vo config request - 704 x 480 (preferred csp: Planar YV12)
Trying filter chain: vo
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is 1.33:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
VO Config (704x480->704x528,flags=0,'MPlayer',0x32315659)
VO: [xv] 704x480 => 704x528 Planar YV12 
VO: Description: X11/Xv
VO: Author: Gerd Knorr <kraxel at goldbach.in-berlin.de> and others
Xvideo image format: 0x32595559 (YUY2) packed
Xvideo image format: 0x32315659 (YV12) planar
Xvideo image format: 0x30323449 (I420) planar
Xvideo image format: 0x59565955 (UYVY) packed
using Xvideo port 69 for hw scaling
[xv] dx: 0 dy: 0 dw: 704 dh: 564
*** [vo] Allocating (slices) mp_image_t, 704x480x12bpp YUV planar, 506880 bytes
[xv] dx: 0 dy: 0 dw: 704 dh: 564
A:  11.2 V:  10.9 A-V:  0.353 ct:  0.000    1/  1   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
*** [vo] Allocating (slices) mp_image_t, 704x480x12bpp YUV planar, 506880 bytes
get_path('subfont.ttf') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/subfont.ttf'
Unicode font: 218 glyphs.
A:  11.2 V:   0.0 A-V: 11.197 ct:  0.004    2/  2   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
*** [vo] Allocating (slices) mp_image_t, 704x480x12bpp YUV planar, 506880 bytes
A:  11.2 V:   0.1 A-V: 11.155 ct:  0.008    3/  3   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.1 A-V: 11.113 ct:  0.013    4/  4   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.2 A-V: 11.072 ct:  0.017    5/  5   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.2 A-V: 11.030 ct:  0.021    6/  6   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.2 A-V: 10.988 ct:  0.025    7/  7   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.3 A-V: 10.947 ct:  0.029    8/  8   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.3 A-V: 10.905 ct:  0.033    9/  9   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.4 A-V: 10.863 ct:  0.038   10/ 10   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.4 A-V: 10.821 ct:  0.042   11/ 11   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.5 A-V: 10.780 ct:  0.046   12/ 12   0%  0%  0.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.5 A-V: 10.738 ct:  0.050   13/ 13   6% 26% 112.6% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.5 A-V: 10.696 ct:  0.054   14/ 14   6% 26% 103.9% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.6 A-V: 10.655 ct:  0.058   15/ 15   5% 26% 96.4% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.6 A-V: 10.613 ct:  0.063   16/ 16   5% 26% 90.1% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.7 A-V: 10.571 ct:  0.067   17/ 17   5% 26% 84.5% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.7 A-V: 10.529 ct:  0.071   18/ 18   5% 26% 79.5% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.8 A-V: 10.488 ct:  0.075   19/ 19   5% 25% 75.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.8 A-V: 10.446 ct:  0.079   20/ 20   5% 25% 71.1% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.8 A-V: 10.404 ct:  0.083   21/ 21   5% 25% 67.5% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.9 A-V: 10.363 ct:  0.088   22/ 22   5% 25% 64.3% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.9 A-V: 10.321 ct:  0.092   23/ 23   5% 25% 61.4% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.0 A-V: 10.279 ct:  0.096   24/ 24   5% 25% 58.7% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.0 A-V: 10.237 ct:  0.100   25/ 25   4% 25% 56.3% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.0 A-V: 10.196 ct:  0.104   26/ 26   4% 25% 54.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.1 A-V: 10.154 ct:  0.108   27/ 27   4% 25% 52.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.1 A-V: 10.112 ct:  0.113   28/ 28   4% 25% 50.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.2 A-V: 10.071 ct:  0.117   29/ 29   4% 25% 48.2% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.2 A-V: 10.029 ct:  0.121   30/ 30   4% 25% 46.6% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.3 A-V:  9.987 ct:  0.125   31/ 31   4% 25% 45.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.3 A-V:  9.946 ct:  0.129   32/ 32   4% 25% 43.6% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.3 A-V:  9.904 ct:  0.133   33/ 33   4% 25% 42.2% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.4 A-V:  9.862 ct:  0.138   34/ 34   4% 25% 41.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.4 A-V:  9.820 ct:  0.142   35/ 35   4% 25% 39.7% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.5 A-V:  9.779 ct:  0.146   36/ 36   4% 25% 38.6% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.5 A-V:  9.737 ct:  0.150   37/ 37   4% 25% 37.5% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.5 A-V:  9.695 ct:  0.154   38/ 38   4% 25% 36.5% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.6 A-V:  9.654 ct:  0.158   39/ 39   4% 25% 35.6% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.6 A-V:  9.612 ct:  0.163   40/ 40   4% 25% 34.7% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.7 A-V:  9.570 ct:  0.167   41/ 41   3% 25% 33.8% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.7 A-V:  9.528 ct:  0.171   42/ 42   4% 25% 33.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.8 A-V:  9.487 ct:  0.175   43/ 43   4% 25% 32.2% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.8 A-V:  9.445 ct:  0.179   44/ 44   4% 25% 31.4% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.8 A-V:  9.403 ct:  0.184   45/ 45   4% 25% 30.7% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.9 A-V:  9.362 ct:  0.188   46/ 46   4% 25% 30.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.9 A-V:  9.320 ct:  0.192   47/ 47   4% 25% 29.4% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.0 A-V:  9.278 ct:  0.196   48/ 48   4% 25% 28.8% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.0 A-V:  9.236 ct:  0.200   49/ 49   5% 25% 28.1% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.0 A-V:  9.195 ct:  0.204   50/ 50   5% 25% 27.6% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.1 A-V:  9.153 ct:  0.209   51/ 51   5% 25% 27.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.1 A-V:  9.111 ct:  0.213   52/ 52   5% 25% 26.5% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.2 A-V:  9.070 ct:  0.217   53/ 53   5% 25% 26.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.2 A-V:  9.028 ct:  0.221   54/ 54   5% 25% 25.5% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.3 A-V:  8.986 ct:  0.225   55/ 55   5% 25% 25.0% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.3 A-V:  8.945 ct:  0.229   56/ 56   5% 25% 24.6% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.3 A-V:  8.903 ct:  0.234   57/ 57   5% 25% 24.1% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.4 A-V:  8.861 ct:  0.238   58/ 58   5% 25% 23.7% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.4 A-V:  8.819 ct:  0.242   59/ 59   5% 25% 23.3% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.5 A-V:  8.778 ct:  0.246   60/ 60   5% 25% 22.9% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.5 A-V:  8.736 ct:  0.250   61/ 61   5% 25% 22.5% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.5 A-V:  8.694 ct:  0.254   62/ 62   5% 25% 22.2% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.6 A-V:  8.653 ct:  0.259   63/ 63   5% 25% 21.8% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.6 A-V:  8.611 ct:  0.263   64/ 64   5% 25% 21.5% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.7 A-V:  8.569 ct:  0.267   65/ 65   5% 25% 21.1% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.7 A-V:  8.527 ct:  0.271   66/ 66   5% 25% 20.8% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.8 A-V:  8.486 ct:  0.275   67/ 67   5% 25% 20.5% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.8 A-V:  8.444 ct:  0.279   68/ 68   5% 25% 20.2% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.8 A-V:  8.402 ct:  0.284   69/ 69   5% 25% 19.9% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.9 A-V:  8.361 ct:  0.288   70/ 70   5% 25% 19.6% 0 0 0%
alsa-space: free space = 57364, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.9 A-V:  8.319 ct:  0.292   71/ 71   5% 25% 19.3% 0 0 0%
Uninit audio filters...
[libaf] Removing filter dummy 
[libaf] Removing filter channels 
uninit audio: faad
FAAD: Closing decoder!
uninit video: ffmpeg
DEMUXER: freeing demuxer at 0x9c25e0  
DEMUXER: freeing sh_video at 0x9cf080  
DEMUXER: freeing sh_audio at 0x9cf140  
alsa-uninit: pcm closed
vo: uninit ...

Exiting... (Quit)
-------------- next part --------------
MPlayer dev-CVS-050325-10:00-3.3.5 (C) 2000-2005 MPlayer Team
CPU: Advanced Micro Devices  (Family: 8, Stepping: 0)
Detected cache-line size is 64 bytes
CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1
Compiled for x86 CPU with extensions: MMX MMX2 3DNow 3DNowEx SSE SSE2

CommandLine: '-v' '/d1/anime/evangelion/zx.eva.renewal/zx.eva.renewal.01.divx511.mkv'
get_path('font/font.desc') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/font/font.desc'
font: can't open file: /home/hotti/.mplayer/font/font.desc
font: can't open file: /usr/local/share/mplayer/font/font.desc
Using MMX (with tiny bit MMX2) Optimized OnScreenDisplay
Failed to open /dev/rtc: No such file or directory (it should be readable by the user.)
Using nanosleep() timing
get_path('input.conf') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/input.conf'
Can't open input config file /home/hotti/.mplayer/input.conf: No such file or directory
Can't open input config file /usr/local/etc/mplayer/input.conf: No such file or directory
Falling back on default (hardcoded) input config
get_path('zx.eva.renewal.01.divx511.mkv.conf') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/zx.eva.renewal.01.divx511.mkv.conf'
Playing /d1/anime/evangelion/zx.eva.renewal/zx.eva.renewal.01.divx511.mkv.
[file] File size is 367907436 bytes
STREAM: [file] /d1/anime/evangelion/zx.eva.renewal/zx.eva.renewal.01.divx511.mkv
STREAM: Description: File
STREAM: Author: Albeu
STREAM: Comment: based on the code from ??? (probably Arpi)
Checking for YUV4MPEG2
ASF_check: not ASF guid!
Checking for Nullsoft Streaming Video
Checking for NuppelVideo
Checking for REAL
Checking for SMJPEG
[mkv] Found the head...
[mkv] + a segment...
[mkv] /---- [ parsing seek head ] ---------
[mkv] /---- [ parsing seek head ] ---------
[mkv] \---- [ parsing seek head ] ---------
[mkv] /---- [ parsing cues ] -----------
[mkv] \---- [ parsing cues ] -----------
[mkv] /---- [ parsing chapters ] ---------
[mkv] Chapter 1 from 00:00:00.000 to 00:01:32.801
[mkv] Chapter 2 from 00:01:32.801 to 00:22:00.519
[mkv] Chapter 3 from 00:22:00.519 to 00:23:06.703
[mkv] Chapter 4 from 00:23:06.703 to 00:23:21.460
[mkv] \---- [ parsing chapters ] ---------
[mkv] \---- [ parsing seek head ] ---------
[mkv] |+ segment information...
[mkv] | + duration: 1417.231s
[mkv] |+ segment tracks...
[mkv] | + a track...
[mkv] |  + Track number: 1
[mkv] |  + Track type: Video
[mkv] |  + Codec ID: V_MS/VFW/FOURCC
[mkv] |  + CodecPrivate, length 40
[mkv] |  + Default duration: 41.708ms ( = 23.976 fps)
[mkv] |  + Default flag: 1
[mkv] |  + Language: eng
[mkv] |  + Video track
[mkv] |   + Pixel width: 704
[mkv] |   + Pixel height: 480
[mkv] |   + Display width: 704
[mkv] |   + Display height: 528
[mkv] | + a track...
[mkv] |  + Track number: 2
[mkv] |  + Track type: Audio
[mkv] |  + Codec ID: A_AAC/MPEG4/LC/SBR
[mkv] |  + Default duration: 46.440ms ( = 21.533 fps)
[mkv] |  + Default flag: 1
[mkv] |  + Language: jpn
[mkv] |  + Audio track
[mkv] |   + Sampling frequency: 22050.000000
[mkv] |   + Channels: 6
[mkv] | + a track...
[mkv] |  + Track number: 3
[mkv] |  + Track type: Audio
[mkv] |  + Codec ID: A_VORBIS
[mkv] |  + CodecPrivate, length 3970
[mkv] |  + Default flag: 0
[mkv] |  + Language: eng
[mkv] |  + Audio track
[mkv] |   + Sampling frequency: 48000.000000
[mkv] |   + Channels: 2
[mkv] | + a track...
[mkv] |  + Track number: 4
[mkv] |  + Track type: Subtitle
[mkv] |  + Codec ID: S_TEXT/UTF8
[mkv] |  + Default flag: 1
[mkv] |  + Language: eng
[mkv] | + a track...
[mkv] |  + Track number: 5
[mkv] |  + Track type: Subtitle
[mkv] |  + Codec ID: S_TEXT/UTF8
[mkv] |  + Default flag: 0
[mkv] |  + Language: ger
[mkv] |+ found cluster, headers are parsed completely :)
[mkv] Track ID 1: video (V_MS/VFW/FOURCC), -vid 0
[mkv] Track ID 2: audio (A_AAC/MPEG4/LC/SBR), -aid 0, -alang jpn
[mkv] Track ID 3: audio (A_VORBIS), -aid 1, -alang eng
[mkv] Track ID 4: subtitles (S_TEXT/UTF8), -sid 0, -slang eng
[mkv] Track ID 5: subtitles (S_TEXT/UTF8), -sid 1, -slang ger
==> Found video stream: 1
[mkv] Aspect: 1.333333
[mkv] Will play video track 1
==> Found audio stream: 2
[mkv] Will play audio track 2
Matroska file format detected.
VIDEO:  [DX50]  704x480  24bpp  23.976 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)
[V] filefmt:31  fourcc:0x30355844  size:704x480  fps:23.98  ftime:=0.0417
get_path('sub/') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/sub/'
get_path('default.sub') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/default.sub'
Opening audio decoder: [faad] AAC (MPEG2/4 Advanced Audio Coding)
dec_audio: Allocating 4608 bytes for input buffer.
dec_audio: Allocating 49152 + 65536 = 114688 bytes for output buffer.
FAAD: Decoder init done (0Bytes)!
FAAD: Negotiated samplerate: 44100Hz  channels: 6
FAAD: compressed input bitrate missing, assuming 128kbit/s!
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 6 ch, s16le, 128.0 kbit/3.02% (ratio: 16000->529200)
Selected audio codec: [faad] afm:faad (FAAD AAC (MPEG2/MPEG4 Audio) decoder)
X11 opening display: :0.0
vo: X11 color mask:  FFFFFF  (R:FF0000 G:FF00 B:FF)
vo: X11 running at 1280x1024 with depth 24 and 32 bpp (":0.0" => local display)
[x11] Detected wm supports NetWM.
[x11] Detected wm supports FULLSCREEN state.
[x11] Detected wm supports ABOVE state.
[x11] Detected wm supports BELOW state.
[x11] Current fstype setting honours FULLSCREEN ABOVE BELOW X atoms
[xv common] Drawing colorkey manually.
[xv common] Using colorkey from Xv (0x0101fe).
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
INFO: libavcodec init OK!
Selected video codec: [ffodivx] vfm:ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG-4)
Checking audio filter chain for 44100Hz/6ch/s16le -> 44100Hz/4ch/s16le...
[libaf] Adding filter dummy 
[dummy] Was reinitialized: 44100Hz/6ch/s16le
AF_pre: 44100Hz/6ch/s16le
alsa-init: requested format: 44100 Hz, 4 channels, 9
alsa-init: compiled for ALSA-1.0.8
alsa-init: device set to surround40
alsa-init: 1 soundcard found, using: surround40
alsa-init: pcm opend in block-mode
alsa-init: chunksize set to 1024
alsa-init: fragcount=8
alsa-init: got buffersize=65536
alsa: 44100 Hz/4 channels/8 bpf/65536 bytes buffer/Signed 16 bit Little Endian
AO: [alsa] 44100Hz 4ch s16le (2 bps)
AO: Description: ALSA-0.9.x-1.x audio output
AO: Author: Alex Beregszaszi, Zsolt Barat <joy at streamminister.de>
AO: Comment: under developement
Building audio filter chain for 44100Hz/6ch/s16le -> 44100Hz/4ch/s16le...
[dummy] Was reinitialized: 44100Hz/6ch/s16le
[libaf] Adding filter channels 
[channels] Changing number of channels to 4
[dummy] Was reinitialized: 44100Hz/6ch/s16le
Starting playback...
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 
FAAD: Failed to decode frame: Unable to find ADTS syncword 

Too many video packets in the buffer: (262 in 8409599 bytes).
Maybe you are playing a non-interleaved stream/file or the codec failed?
For AVI files, try to force non-interleaved mode with the -ni option.
ds_fill_buffer: EOF reached (stream: audio)  
[libaf] Reallocating memory in module channels, old len = 0, new len = 12
[ffmpeg] aspect_ratio: 1.466667
VDec: vo config request - 704 x 480 (preferred csp: Planar YV12)
Trying filter chain: vo
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is 1.33:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
VO Config (704x480->704x528,flags=0,'MPlayer',0x32315659)
VO: [xv] 704x480 => 704x528 Planar YV12 
VO: Description: X11/Xv
VO: Author: Gerd Knorr <kraxel at goldbach.in-berlin.de> and others
Xvideo image format: 0x32595559 (YUY2) packed
Xvideo image format: 0x32315659 (YV12) planar
Xvideo image format: 0x30323449 (I420) planar
Xvideo image format: 0x59565955 (UYVY) packed
using Xvideo port 69 for hw scaling
[xv] dx: 0 dy: 0 dw: 704 dh: 564
*** [vo] Allocating (slices) mp_image_t, 704x480x12bpp YUV planar, 506880 bytes
[xv] dx: 0 dy: 0 dw: 704 dh: 564
A:  11.2 V:  10.9 A-V:  0.353 ct:  0.000   1/  1 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
*** [vo] Allocating (slices) mp_image_t, 704x480x12bpp YUV planar, 506880 bytes
get_path('subfont.ttf') -> '/home/hotti/.mplayer/subfont.ttf'
Unicode font: 218 glyphs.
A:  11.2 V:   0.0 A-V: 11.197 ct:  0.004   2/  2 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
*** [vo] Allocating (slices) mp_image_t, 704x480x12bpp YUV planar, 506880 bytes
A:  11.2 V:   0.1 A-V: 11.155 ct:  0.008   3/  3 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.1 A-V: 11.113 ct:  0.013   4/  4 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.2 A-V: 11.072 ct:  0.017   5/  5 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.2 A-V: 11.030 ct:  0.021   6/  6 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.2 A-V: 10.988 ct:  0.025   7/  7 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.3 A-V: 10.947 ct:  0.029   8/  8 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.3 A-V: 10.905 ct:  0.033   9/  9 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.4 A-V: 10.863 ct:  0.038  10/ 10 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.4 A-V: 10.821 ct:  0.042  11/ 11 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.5 A-V: 10.780 ct:  0.046  12/ 12 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.5 A-V: 10.738 ct:  0.050  13/ 13  5% 15% 116.1% 0 0                                           
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.5 A-V: 10.696 ct:  0.054  14/ 14  5% 14% 107.1% 0 0                                           
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.6 A-V: 10.655 ct:  0.058  15/ 15  4% 13% 99.4% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.6 A-V: 10.613 ct:  0.063  16/ 16  4% 12% 92.9% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.7 A-V: 10.571 ct:  0.067  17/ 17  4% 11% 87.0% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.7 A-V: 10.529 ct:  0.071  18/ 18  4% 11% 81.9% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.8 A-V: 10.488 ct:  0.075  19/ 19  4% 10% 77.3% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.8 A-V: 10.446 ct:  0.079  20/ 20  4%  9% 73.3% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.8 A-V: 10.404 ct:  0.083  21/ 21  4%  9% 69.6% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.9 A-V: 10.363 ct:  0.088  22/ 22  4%  8% 66.3% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   0.9 A-V: 10.321 ct:  0.092  23/ 23  4%  8% 63.3% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.0 A-V: 10.279 ct:  0.096  24/ 24  4%  8% 60.5% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.0 A-V: 10.237 ct:  0.100  25/ 25  4%  7% 58.0% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.0 A-V: 10.196 ct:  0.104  26/ 26  4%  7% 55.7% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.1 A-V: 10.154 ct:  0.108  27/ 27  4%  7% 53.6% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.1 A-V: 10.112 ct:  0.113  28/ 28  4%  6% 51.6% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.2 A-V: 10.071 ct:  0.117  29/ 29  4%  6% 49.7% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.2 A-V: 10.029 ct:  0.121  30/ 30  4%  6% 48.0% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.3 A-V:  9.987 ct:  0.125  31/ 31  4%  6% 46.4% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.3 A-V:  9.946 ct:  0.129  32/ 32  4%  6% 44.9% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.3 A-V:  9.904 ct:  0.133  33/ 33  4%  5% 43.5% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.4 A-V:  9.862 ct:  0.138  34/ 34  3%  5% 42.2% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.4 A-V:  9.820 ct:  0.142  35/ 35  3%  5% 41.0% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.5 A-V:  9.779 ct:  0.146  36/ 36  3%  5% 39.8% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.5 A-V:  9.737 ct:  0.150  37/ 37  3%  5% 38.7% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.5 A-V:  9.695 ct:  0.154  38/ 38  3%  5% 37.6% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.6 A-V:  9.654 ct:  0.158  39/ 39  3%  4% 36.6% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.6 A-V:  9.612 ct:  0.163  40/ 40  3%  4% 35.7% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.7 A-V:  9.570 ct:  0.167  41/ 41  3%  4% 34.8% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.7 A-V:  9.528 ct:  0.171  42/ 42  3%  4% 34.0% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.8 A-V:  9.487 ct:  0.175  43/ 43  3%  4% 33.1% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.8 A-V:  9.445 ct:  0.179  44/ 44  3%  4% 32.4% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.8 A-V:  9.403 ct:  0.184  45/ 45  3%  4% 31.7% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.9 A-V:  9.362 ct:  0.188  46/ 46  4%  4% 30.9% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   1.9 A-V:  9.320 ct:  0.192  47/ 47  4%  4% 30.3% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.0 A-V:  9.278 ct:  0.196  48/ 48  4%  4% 29.6% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.0 A-V:  9.236 ct:  0.200  49/ 49  4%  3% 29.0% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.0 A-V:  9.195 ct:  0.204  50/ 50  4%  3% 28.4% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.1 A-V:  9.153 ct:  0.209  51/ 51  4%  3% 27.9% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.1 A-V:  9.111 ct:  0.213  52/ 52  4%  3% 27.3% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.2 A-V:  9.070 ct:  0.217  53/ 53  4%  3% 26.8% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.2 A-V:  9.028 ct:  0.221  54/ 54  4%  3% 26.3% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.3 A-V:  8.986 ct:  0.225  55/ 55  4%  3% 25.8% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.3 A-V:  8.945 ct:  0.229  56/ 56  4%  3% 25.3% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.3 A-V:  8.903 ct:  0.234  57/ 57  4%  3% 24.9% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.4 A-V:  8.861 ct:  0.238  58/ 58  4%  3% 24.4% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.4 A-V:  8.819 ct:  0.242  59/ 59  4%  3% 24.0% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.5 A-V:  8.778 ct:  0.246  60/ 60  4%  3% 23.6% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.5 A-V:  8.736 ct:  0.250  61/ 61  4%  3% 23.2% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.5 A-V:  8.694 ct:  0.254  62/ 62  5%  3% 22.8% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.6 A-V:  8.653 ct:  0.259  63/ 63  5%  3% 22.5% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.6 A-V:  8.611 ct:  0.263  64/ 64  5%  2% 22.1% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.7 A-V:  8.569 ct:  0.267  65/ 65  5%  2% 21.8% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.7 A-V:  8.527 ct:  0.271  66/ 66  5%  2% 21.4% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.8 A-V:  8.486 ct:  0.275  67/ 67  5%  2% 21.1% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.8 A-V:  8.444 ct:  0.279  68/ 68  5%  2% 20.8% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.8 A-V:  8.402 ct:  0.284  69/ 69  5%  2% 20.5% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.9 A-V:  8.361 ct:  0.288  70/ 70  5%  2% 20.2% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   2.9 A-V:  8.319 ct:  0.292  71/ 71  5%  2% 19.9% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.0 A-V:  8.277 ct:  0.296  72/ 72  5%  2% 19.6% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.0 A-V:  8.235 ct:  0.300  73/ 73  5%  2% 19.3% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.0 A-V:  8.194 ct:  0.304  74/ 74  5%  2% 19.1% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.1 A-V:  8.152 ct:  0.309  75/ 75  5%  2% 18.8% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.1 A-V:  8.110 ct:  0.313  76/ 76  5%  2% 18.6% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.2 A-V:  8.069 ct:  0.317  77/ 77  5%  2% 18.3% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.2 A-V:  8.027 ct:  0.321  78/ 78  5%  2% 18.1% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.3 A-V:  7.985 ct:  0.325  79/ 79  5%  2% 17.9% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.3 A-V:  7.944 ct:  0.329  80/ 80  5%  2% 17.6% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.3 A-V:  7.902 ct:  0.334  81/ 81  5%  2% 17.4% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.4 A-V:  7.860 ct:  0.338  82/ 82  5%  2% 17.2% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.4 A-V:  7.818 ct:  0.342  83/ 83  5%  2% 17.0% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.5 A-V:  7.777 ct:  0.346  84/ 84  5%  2% 16.8% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.5 A-V:  7.735 ct:  0.350  85/ 85  5%  2% 16.6% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.5 A-V:  7.693 ct:  0.355  86/ 86  5%  2% 16.4% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.6 A-V:  7.652 ct:  0.359  87/ 87  5%  2% 16.2% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.6 A-V:  7.610 ct:  0.363  88/ 88  5%  2% 16.0% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.7 A-V:  7.568 ct:  0.367  89/ 89  5%  2% 15.8% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.7 A-V:  7.526 ct:  0.371  90/ 90  5%  2% 15.6% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.8 A-V:  7.485 ct:  0.375  91/ 91  5%  2% 15.5% 0 0                                            
alsa-space: free space = 65536, prepared --
A:  11.2 V:   3.8 A-V:  7.443 ct:  0.380  92/ 92  5%  2% 15.3% 0 0                                            
Uninit audio filters...
[libaf] Removing filter dummy 
[libaf] Removing filter channels 
uninit audio: faad
FAAD: Closing decoder!
uninit video: ffmpeg
alsa-uninit: pcm closed
vo: uninit ...

Exiting... (Quit)

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