[MPlayer-users] advanced menu in mplayer

Oliver Seitz info at vtnd.de
Fri Mar 2 06:53:52 CET 2012

> The major problems with bmovl are that (it seems to me) :
> a) it does not process input. For example when user clicks on The arrow it
> should start playing, and, into the text box user should be able to enter
> text.

Well, that's the job of the frontend you're starting to write, not of 
the output mechanism. The player commands would be passed to mplayer via 
slave mode. Only thing is: I do not know how to get mouse click 
information, as you're really be klicking on an mplayer window.

> b) does not support animations (ex : menu sliding from a side of screen).

In this sense, there is nothing like "animation". If something on the 
screen seems to move, it is acctually re-painted over and over again, 
each time at a slightly different position. That's the job of the 
frontend you're starting to write.

> perhaps it would be simpler to run mplayer at root window and have some
> other application run over it. But this solution is not very good either as
> it is just fine for dedicated box, but not for an user application.

It's possible. I'd look for something like Adobe Flash, AKAIK it can at 
least display video with true alpha-channel. I'm not sure about 
semi-transparency, though.

And please do not top-post.


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