[MPlayer-dev-eng] Re: [Mplayer-cvslog] CVS: main ChangeLog,1.48,1.49

Alex Beregszaszi alex at fsn.hu
Tue Aug 12 22:10:22 CEST 2003


Replying to myself as the mailer sucked..
> It's clear that we need some release strategy as 0.90 was release
> about a half year ago and the users are disappointed.

So, the current proposed release 'version-line' is:
mplayer g1
  * current codebase
  * probably final release in a half year ;)
mplayer g1.5 
  * original g1 codebase
  * plus backported (de)muxer/filter/vo layers of g2
  * for extensive testing of g2 api
mplayer g2
  * switch finally to lib based g2
  * provide (G)UIs

Any comments?

Btw, I wanted mplayer 1.0 insetead 0.99, but Arpi is against that,
becouse he doesn't like 1.0 softwares and mplayer isn't so stable as it
should be for 1.0. That's ok, but it won't be released soon anyway and
1.0 doesn't means that a sw is finished, it's only a state in the whole
long way, after 1.0 there's much life, probably more than under 1.0 (or
not in our case?:). A 1.0 sw should have a big community and developer

Alex Beregszaszi <alex at fsn.hu>
(MPlayer Core Developer -- http://www.mplayerhq.hu/)

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