[MPlayer-cygwin] A request for DirectX driver

deje at miki.hu deje at miki.hu
Fri Jun 10 22:49:11 CEST 2005

6/10/2005 -n, "Joey Parrish" <joey at nicewarrior.org> irta:

>I would suggest either:
> 1) Create a new option for fullscreen window ID.
>      MPlayer will then use this for fs and you get the messages.
> 2) Create a new option for window ID of the frontend.
>      If this variable is set, WndProc can call SendMessage to send
>      the messages along to the frontend's window.
I thinked a little on the whole thing and 1) would be the best I could
find out...
I have very little knowledge on the mplayer architecture, but I will try
to implement this one. If anyone could, please help. This can give
frontends a great control over mplayer even in fullscreen mode.


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