[MPlayer-cygwin] A request for DirectX driver

Joey Parrish joey at nicewarrior.org
Fri Jun 10 02:02:56 CEST 2005

On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 11:02:39PM +0200, deje at miki.hu wrote:
> I make a new MPF frontend which uses MPlayer in slave mode, handling all
> the Win messages myself. If I switch to fullscreen, mplayer fullscreen
> window appears and it handles messages so my frontend cannot be notified
> about anything. If I want to make my own fullscreen window, mplayer has
> to be restarted with the changed window handle (-wid), which should be
> avoided.

I would suggest either:
 1) Create a new option for fullscreen window ID.
      MPlayer will then use this for fs and you get the messages.
 2) Create a new option for window ID of the frontend.
      If this variable is set, WndProc can call SendMessage to send
      the messages along to the frontend's window.

I'm not sure which would be better.

Either way, you need a new option.  Perhaps you could add it as a
suboption within the VO.  I'm also not sure if this would be better than
a new global option.


"I know Kung Fu." --Darth Vader

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