[MPlayer-cygwin] compiling mplayer probs ...

Joey Parrish joey at yunamusic.com
Sat Aug 31 19:08:24 CEST 2002

On Sat, Aug 31, 2002 at 03:28:32AM +0800, Sycotic Smith wrote:
> Yes, you need to tweak it per the file DOCS/tech/cygwin.txt in the CVS version.  If this file is missing, or you don't understand it, please let me know outside the list and we can discuss.  I am currently trying to re-do this file so it is more user-friendly, as when I originally wrote it I was going towards a more techie oriented feel.

There is no such file in CVS.  Are you certain it's been committed?
Also, could you send your latest draft to this list?

> It seems the win32 dll support is not working on cygwin, we are looking into this to see what can be done.  For right now if you have the win32 dlls installed per the linux mplayer docs, you will need to add --disable-win32 to your ./configure options.

That has always annoyed me.  Can someone explain to me why there's not
yet a native windows code to load DLLs for mplayer?  Is anyone currently
working on this?  If it's not already on the latest round of the
wishlist on mplayer-dev-eng, I'll send that in.

> /S. Smith



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