[MEncoder-users] Converting H.264-AVC 1920 X 1080 to mpeg-2

L Lee llee040 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 18 21:22:36 CET 2009

James Hastings-Trew helped my find an executable for Mac OS X called
movtoy4m that allowed me to pipe these files to mencoder. Thanks again,

The movtoy4m executable is common to many Mac video conversion solutions,
two of which are FilmRedux and PunyVid (http://www.transcoder-redux.com/).

The command on which I settled was this:

"movtoy4m -w 1920 -h 1080 -F 30000:1001 -a 16:9 -f inputfile.mp4 | mencoder
-nosound -cache 8192 -oac lavc -ovc lavc -lavcopts
:dc=10:keyint=15:vstrict=0:aspect=16/9 -vf
:0.97:1,hqdn3d=4:3:4,harddup -of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf -fps
30000/1001 -ofps 24000/1001 -o outputfile.mpg -"

Because no sound is output, I eventually need to mux audio with video. The
above command results in a file that, although it contains no sound, appears
to be recognized by other programs as already muxed. I can't find any other
way to use it as the video source in a muxing operation other than to demux
it in a separate step. Is there any way to alter the above command so that
its output file will be recognized as video only, as in .m2v, to save me the
extra demuxing step? Specifying ".m2v" for the end of the output file's name
alone has no effect.

In other words, how can I tell mencoder to render a video-only stream so
that other programs such as mplex recognize that it's not muxed?


Laine Lee

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