[MEncoder-users] Compressing the photo camera Canon A610 video to mpeg4 at the best quality.

Strong s-strong at mail.ru
Mon Sep 25 15:05:03 CEST 2006

> I have understood from postings on this list that it is prudent to
> always re-encode audio on all passes, so don't use -oac copy. Often
> when I've tried -oac copy the audio and video has gone out of sync.
Well. I have contrary experience. I have audio and video has gone out of
sync even with encoding audio:

$ mencoder -oac mp3lame -ovc lavc -lavcopts
-ffourcc DIVX -vf hqdn3d=4:1:1 -srate 8000 -o encoded-"$1".avi "$1"

And in sync with this:

mencoder -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts
-ffourcc DIVX -vf hqdn3d=4:1:1 -o encoded-"$1" "$1"

I think this the best for me in sense of audio as the camera produces
VERY POOR audio - just 11kHz... So, I do not want to reduce it to 8kHz.
Or there is another choice - meaning remaining 11kHz and yet compress
audio? At present, codec complains to reduce such a low frequency to

And I didn't find in the man mencoder the answers on the following:
1. How can I delete the duplicate frames? I think it's not worth of
preserving it, is it?
2. When I encode I see "Skipping frame!" What does it mean? And if it's
necessary to remove than how to?

Thank You.

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