[MPlayer-translations] main/help/help_mp-it.h question

Paul TT paultt at hackerjournal.it
Thu Sep 15 12:44:38 CEST 2005

in help_mp-it thers is this line:

// TODO: resample = ?
#define MSGTR_AO_MPEGPES_UnsupSamplerate "[AO MPEGPES] %d Hz non supportati, prova con resample...\n"

which in english is:

#define MSGTR_AO_MPEGPES_UnsupSamplerate "[AO MPEGPES] %d Hz not supported, try to resample...\n"

my queston is: resample here is intended as resample filter????
if yes, the italian could the italian translation be:

#define MSGTR_AO_MPEGPES_UnsupSamplerate "[AO MPEGPES] %d Hz non supportati, prova col filtro 'resample'...\n"


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