[MPlayer-G2-dev] the awakening, license changes and so on...

Alexander Strasser eclipse7 at gmx.net
Wed Aug 4 10:47:23 CEST 2004

On Wed, Aug 04, 2004 at 09:51:46AM +0900, Attila Kinali wrote:
> > - getting g2 api accepted as 'industial standard for linux/unix video/media'
> >   something like oms, and later gstreamer and openquicktime wanted to
> >   reach, with no much success.
> >   we have to make it available for commercial users, otherwise they wont
> >   spend their time developing/porting their codecs, demuxers etc for it.
> > - getting some money/hw/sponsorship to developers who need it to be able
> >   to work on the code fulltime or at least more time.
> Why do you want to get commercial users onto MPlayer ?
> Just for the sponsoring ? 
Don't forget it be should the movie framework for ALL. Think about computer
games and lot's of other out of movie playback applications ( as the
main focus is on something else ), that can't publish their code, using
MPlayer G2 for movie playback and what not. And to get back to the first
point it will never be widly accepted as an industrial standard if it excludes
half of the possible uses and users.

  Alex (beastd)

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