[Mplayer-dvb] NTSC->PAL "slow" sound

Patrick Cernko errror at ps.uni-sb.de
Tue Feb 10 17:21:11 CET 2004

Also sprach fritz at netcourrier.com zu "07.02.2004 21:05" Anno Domini:
>    Hi,
> I use mplayer and the script from Juri Haberland to play 
> divx files through my dvb-c card. 
> This is awesome, but there's one problem I couldn't fix: 
> my tv being only pal, I have to activate the -speed option 
> to convert 30 fps divx files to 25 fps. 
> This results in smooth video but sound with a lower pitch.

The reason is, that if you use the "speed" option, it is like "slow 
-motion" or using a Walkmam with enabled "brakes": The time for playing 
a 1hour video is stretched to 29.97/25 ~= 1.2 hours.

> (other parameters result in black & white video with correct 
> sound, as expected; or color video with choppy sound resulting 
> from frame drops, I think)
> I can imagine why, but is there hope (is it possible 
> technically) to get correct sound while converting from 
> 30 fps to 25 fps in real time ?

Yes there is:

Juri already releases a "beta" version of its new script, but 
unfortunately I cannot find it on his homepage any more, maybe he did 
not set a link yet. I received the version from him via email, but I do 
not have it by hand right now.

Anyway, I developed a alternative solution to the one he used in his 
script (he received mine and a proposal from another guy and prefered 
his work as mine requires a patched mplayer additionally). You can find 
my solution (patch for mplayer.sh and mplayer) on my website:

If you prefer Juri's beta-version, I maybe can search for it at home on 
my vdr system.

I'm reading this list for quite a while and if I am not wrong, you are 
one of the developers of mplayer having CVS access. The above mentioned 
patch was sent to mplayer-users (I think it was ther users list) in 
december 2003 but I never get an answer about accepting or denying it, 
maybe you can check (and hopefully) integrate it. If you want more 
details about it, I can search my posting from december and forward it 
to you.

> Anyway, thanks for such a wonderful program.

Confirmed! :-)
Patrick Cernko | mailto:errror at errror.de | http://www.errror.de
Quote of the Week: "Quis custodit custodes?
                     Ceterum censeo Microsoftem esse delendam!"

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