[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] Correctly set optimization flag for Athlon. Closes Bug #267

The Wanderer inverseparadox at comcast.net
Fri Dec 2 06:03:42 CET 2005

Diego Biurrun wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 01, 2005 at 12:36:12PM -0500, The Wanderer wrote:
>> Diego Biurrun wrote:

>>> Your English is not bad at all.
>>> Anyway, if I understand correctly what you are trying to say then
>>> It is a bit difficult to determine the correct type of Family 6
>>> AMD CPUs just from their signature.
>>> should do the trick.
>> FWIW, I did not think that there was a "no verb" problem in the
>> original sentence, and I understood what it meant just fine. If I
>> wanted to make it perfectly grammatical, I would have said
>> something like "from nothing other than its signature" (in addition
>> to, yes, re-grouping "AMD's CPUs of Family 6" in one of several
>> ways), but I do not consider that to be strictly necessary since
>> this is comprehensible; these aren't user-level docs.
>> For that matter, I don't see either how the original sentence has a
>> "second part" or how the suggested alternative adds a verb...
>> other than the re-grouping, it looks to me like you've merely
>> replaced the word "only" with the (near-synonymous in this context)
>> word "just". Anyone who's followed this better care to enlighten
>> me?
> I really found the original version of the sentence hard to
> understand, but in hindsight I don't know how I came up with that
> verb story...

I'll grant you that the change you made, minor as it was, did make the
sentence less confusing - because of the two different possible meanings
of the word "only", which do not both overlap with the word "just". I'd
still have suggested "from nothing more than" or the like, but it's
passable enough as things are.

       The Wanderer

Warning: Simply because I argue an issue does not mean I agree with any
side of it.

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.

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