[MPlayer-advusers] dvdnav - mpdvdkit2 - libdvdcss regression

Nico Sabbi nicola_sabbi at fastwebnet.it
Sat Dec 23 18:26:58 CET 2006

RC wrote:

>On Sun, 17 Dec 2006 18:24:09 +0100
>Nico Sabbi <nicola_sabbi at fastwebnet.it> wrote:
>>>Wow.  I can't wait to see how many ways that can go horribly wrong.
>Off the top of my head:  
>Over/under aggressive detection causing either not installing, or
>Various lib and include paths on different systems.  
>Perhaps multiple copies of includes/libs in different paths.  
>Dev/bin packages?  (not sure)
>Conflicts between pkg-config and traditional detection.
>Possible ldconfig issues.
>Compiler version mismatches?
>i32 vs i64 mismatch?
>I have no doubt there are many more I can't even guess.
>It's one thing to have a user install a lib, it's another to try and
>automate the process yourself, especially bundled with a sperate

here's the patch. As described it compiles dvdcss as a shared library
and installs it in $PREFIX/lib if configure time it can't dlopen() any other
shared libdvdcss.so.2.
I can't imagine a more general way to make this patch
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