[Mplayer-advusers] X11 BadDrawable error

Attila Kinali kinali at gmx.net
Sun May 12 20:38:54 CEST 2002

On Sun, 12 May 2002 20:27:51 +0200
Arpi <arpi at thot.banki.hu> wrote:

> does it look like a bugreport
> nope.
> at least the 3d card driver should be mentioned

Well.. i think i found the problem,
vo_gl.c defines it's own variable for the window,
so i guess this is the problem (i forwarded it because it
seems really that simple). If i made a patch if you want..
but i couldnt test it as i dont have any 3D.

		Attila Kinali

Israel, where the first genocide of this century takes place.
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