[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] 5 year plan & Inovation

Tomas Härdin git at haerdin.se
Mon May 13 09:52:08 EEST 2024

tor 2024-05-02 klockan 13:44 -0400 skrev Vittorio Giovara:
> I believe the path forward would be designing a system that can
> accommodate
> both workflows, a main git{hub,lab} interface which can send and
> mirror the
> discussion happening on the mailing list for those who prefer emails.
> Such
> a project would be another good use of SPI funds.

If you want email, use email. While a point could be made that bridging
mailing list workflows and say gitlab would be useful, the fact that a
mailing list is "free form" will almost surely result in nearly
insurmountable impedance mismatches.

This said, I'm not opposed to switching workflow to say gitlab, though
personally I wish gitlab stopped requiring jabbascript. Gitea is better
in this regard.

Finally, email has staying power.


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