[FFmpeg-devel] [RFC] 5 year plan & Inovation

Cosmin Stejerean cosmin at cosmin.at
Fri May 3 18:45:20 EEST 2024

> On May 3, 2024, at 6:54 AM, Ronald S. Bultje <rsbultje at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 3, 2024 at 7:33 AM Rémi Denis-Courmont <remi at remlab.net> wrote:
>> There is no technical plan how that would actually work in practice, and I
>> don't think it is even feasible. Not to speak of a realistic plan who would
>> actually implement it and in what time frame.
> To clarify: I myself much prefer gitlab's workflow and would use that if it
> was available. I think providing a CLI-based workflow (which Anton and some
> others have requested) is feasible and fair. If an email variant thereof
> can be made and someone wants to fund it, I think that's reasonable. But it
> shouldn't block allowing more people to convert to a gitlab-style workflow,
> which I consider far superior over what we have now. End of clarification.

I think it's useful to separate out CLI-based workflow from email based workflow. 

For example with GitHub you can use the gh command line tool 
(https://github.com/cli/cli)  to do almost everything from the CLI. See outstanding 
pull requests, create a new pull request, check out a pull request, leave comments, 
approve, reject, etc. The only thing the official CLI tool itself doesn't offer is ability 
to add in-line comments.

If one really wants to avoid the browser for leaving in-line comments there are 
solutions integrated with popular editors to do this directly from the editor.

For those that like Neovim a full featured editor plugin like octo.nvim 
can be used to do everything including code reviews with inline comments.

Similar solutions exist for Emacs. And the API is there to make something more 
customized if desired. For example a tool like "re" can open up $EDITOR and 
allow adding inline comments (https://github.com/jordanlewis/re).

This is for Github but Gitlab is popular enough that I'd expect the same to exist
there or at a minimum to be possible to bridge the gap (in general the github tooling
is more mature).

What doesn't exist (yet) is a way to keep people on the exact email based workflow 
we currently have, and have bi-directional sync with something like github or gitlab.
Such a thing could probably be built, but it might be worth first trying to see if those
that insist on sticking with the CLI can use one of the existing CLI based workflows.

- Cosmin

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