[rtmpdump] rutube.ru dumping stopped working: ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket , failed to read RTMP packet header
al_9x at yahoo.com
al_9x at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 15 21:31:07 CEST 2011
On 4/15/2011 6:32 AM, Oleg G wrote:
> Here is my rtmpdump command, which I got with rtmppsrv for this video:
> rtmpdump -r "rtmp://video-102-1.rutube.ru:1935/vod/" -a "vod/" \
> -f "LNX 10,3,162,29" \
> -W "http://rutube.ru/player.swf" \
> -p "http://rutube.ru/tracks/4322127.html" \
> -y \
> "mp4:rutube/vol23/movies/5a/ec/5aecd537dc35d7723f00f93db4c4eafc.mp4?t=1302862131&h=lunOhu9HfsGf9tpRkQKvlg==&blid=79cc6fbcd0cbb2bb85cb92cb5d705ac4"\
> -o test.flv
> This command downloads full video. So. I think it could be problems of
> video-1-14.rutube.ru server.
I tried your server, it did not have my original problem but was not
entirely normal either. The transfer was interrupted and resumed by
rtmpdump itself numerous times. Eventually it finished, having
downloaded ~62MB, which is definitely much larger than the actual size
of this 2 min video. And it didn't play well, skipped around, in vlc.
Did you see these resumes? What size did you download? I suppose it
may behave differently based on region. Where are you downloading
from? I am in the US.
Anyways, the above is a different issue, are you able to repro the
original problem with my command line:
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://video-1-14.rutube.ru:1935/rutube_vod_2/" -a
"rutube_vod_2/" -f "WIN 10,3,180,65" -W "http://rutube.ru/player.swf" -p
"http://rutube.ru/tracks/4322127.html?v=5aecd537dc35d7723f00f93db4c4eafc" -y
-o 5aecd537dc35d7723f00f93db4c4eafc.flv
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