[MPlayer-users] Error on GNUTLS when compiling MPlayer

Reimar Döffinger Reimar.Doeffinger at gmx.de
Tue Feb 16 23:36:34 EET 2021

> On 16 Feb 2021, at 20:49, Stephane Ascoet <stephaneascoet at free.fr> wrote:
> Reimar Döffinger:
>> You need to check config.log, the parts relating to GNUTLS.
>> It should say (in more or less cryptic messages) exactly why it says “no” there.
> Hi,
> as I wrote before, I've done it and it doesn't write any explanation regarding this "no":
> grep -A3 -i gnutls ~/mplayer/config.log
> ============ Checking for GnuTLS ============
> Result is: no
> ##########################################
> And I've got /usr/include/gnutls/gnutls.h
> But should the fact that there are two GnuTLS on the system be the problem?

No, not really, but what should be missing is the pkg-config for it.
pkg-config --exists gnutls
failing (need to check the return value,
pkg-config --cflags gnutls
might be a bit more helpful with an actual error message)

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