[MPlayer-users] Color space and Gamma

Tom Bond tom at realtime1.com
Thu Oct 4 03:39:12 CEST 2007


	Could you tell me how the pixel value mapping is determined when creating a 
mpeg 4 movies from JPEG still image?  If the source is sRGB color space but 
the JPEG has RGB color space in the header mistakenly what will happen?  Is 
there any way to instruct mencoder that the color space is sRGB(is there a 
color space override) in the JPEG files and not RGB and the header states?  

	Another way to state this is how does one guarantee that the color space 
remains sRGB from the JPEG still images to the mpeg 4 movie? 

	Also what does the eq2 option do.  Does it actually change the pixel values 
for the mpeg 4 movie made from the JPEG images or does it just add some 
header value to the mpeg4 movie that instructs the decoder what the gamma 
value is? 

	Thank you very much.

			Tom Bond

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