[MPlayer-users] Opaque VOBSUB playback in XV mode and colorspaces

Ludovic Dupont ludov_dupont at yahoo.fr
Wed Oct 3 00:22:35 CEST 2007


I currently have a whole lot of problems playing back
DVDs or files that got vobsubs (I did not do this much
in the past time, but as my DVD collection grows
larger, it seems more manageable to me than ripping
and OCRing all of those subtitles) using "-vo xv"...

The problem I have is that when "-vo xv" is used, this
kind of subtitles get semi-transparent (ie they're not
totally transparent, but not opaque either). 

Using "-vo x11" or others output modes, there is no
problem, but it uses far too much CPU.

The main difference I noted between xv and the others
is that, just before playing, I get something like :

> VO: [xv] 720x576 => 768x576 Planar YV12

with xv... which looks horrible;

and something like :

> VO: [x11] 720x576 => 768x576 Planar YV12
> [swscaler @ 0x88f72f0]SwScaler: using unscaled
yuv420p -> rgb32 special converter

with the others... which works very well.

I then tried to launch the DVD track respectively
using :

> mplayer dvd://6 -vf format=bgr32,scale -vo xv

which then outputs :

> [swscaler @ 0x88f72f0]SwScaler: using unscaled
yuv420p -> rgb32 special converter
> VO: [xv] 720x576 => 768x576 Planar YV12


> mplayer dvd://6 -vf format=bgr32,scale -vo x11

which then outputs :

> [swscaler @ 0x88f72f0]SwScaler: using unscaled
yuv420p -> rgb32 special converter
> VO: [x11] 720x576 => 768x576 BGRA

No luck with this... subtitles still look so bad with
xv, and still so good with x11 (except xv now uses
alot of CPU, which I guess is normal in this case,
because of the scaling that is done)...

I'm far from understanding all that relies beneath
colorspaces, but I would have liked to manage to
output in rgb32 using xv to see if I coul get better
vobsubs display (ie without semi-transparency)... I
guess it should be possible with my video card (radeon
9700 with the free driver "radeon" from freedesktop),
as an "xvinfo|grep RGB" shows me: 

>      id: 0x41424752 (RGBA)
>        type: RGB (packed)
>        type: RGB (packed)
>      id: 0x54424752 (RGBT)
>        type: RGB (packed)
>      id: 0x32424752 (RGB2)
>        type: RGB (packed)

I also tried every possible option concerning the
subtitles I could get in the man page, but the only
ones having effect towards vobsubs just seem to blur
and place them on different parts of the screen
(though I came across reports that there could be some
similar problems with ssa/ass subtitles... anyway, I
don't use them... so the "-ass-color" and such
solutions that are recommanded in those cases have no
effect on mine)...

Any hint about how to output in xv and rgb32 at the
same time, or even a damn good idea to get those
vobsubs displayed opaque, would it be in another way
(I have no clue about how rgb32 could be related to my
problem, but this is the only difference I found
between xv modes and the others when I put mplayer in
verbose mode)?

Just so to say, those DVDs are classic interlaced PAL
ones, and I use mplayer-1.0-rc1s on a Debian Testing,
using the packages from the debian-multimedia
repository that allow me do play DVDs...



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