[MPlayer-users] watching 4:3 encoded 16:9 stuff fullscreen

hakai bone-idle at web.de
Thu Nov 1 17:09:23 CET 2007

i have some recordings in svcd format, which has to be encoded with an 
aspect ratio of 4:3 to work w/ my hardware dvd-player. for 16:9 movies that 
means the file contains black bars at the top and bottom. my new monitor has 
an aspect of 16:10, so now with this movies there are black bars all around 
the movie.

is there any way to zoom the movie to the screen-width while keeping the 
original aspect ratio (this would crop some of the black bars obviously, 
like in mpc's "touch window from outside") in fullscreen mode. i'm using 
mplayer 1.0rc1 on winxp sp2, vo=directx, monitoraspect=16:10

thx in advance - hakai 

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