[MPlayer-users] RE: Mencoder codec location

Joey Parrish joey.parrish at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 23:38:57 CEST 2007

On 4/18/07, Terry Corbet <tcorbet at ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> 04.  Is there some other trouble-shooting output I could provide
> that would help us solve the problem?  Thank you.

In my experience, I had to go through lots of trouble to get all
binary codecs working.  I recall getting a utility called a dependancy
walker that would load DLL's and show you what they depend on.  You
could then walk the list and find the DLL you're missing.

I also found that certain DLL's (one in particular from quicktime) had
to be put into c:\windows\system32 to make them work.  It was because
other DLL's would try to load that one from a hard-coded path.  Oy.

So, it's hard to say what the problem is.  If you aren't the kind to
do the serious debugging yourself, then I guess you're stuck waiting
for someone to package a tidy solution for you.


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