[MPlayer-users] xvidix and gui

Vladimir Mosgalin mosgalin at VM10124.spb.edu
Mon Sep 4 18:00:34 CEST 2006

Hi The Eye!

 On 2006.09.04 at 16:45:05 +0200, The Eye wrote next:

> my next try was to not start gmplayer but use mplayer -gui instead
> (thinking that maybe the fact that I was executing a link to a SUIDed
> binary instead of the binary itself removed the SUID-capability).
> But it's still missing the required capabilities.
> Then I tried removing the link and copying mplayer to gmplayer,
> explicitly giving it u+s. But again, it refuses to run with xvidix.
> So .. how do I do this? use xvidix while using gmplayer?

Two solutions:
1) insecure, quick and dirty. also can give some problems. Use sudo.
   alias mplayer to "sudo mplayer" and  configure sudo, i.e. something
   user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/mplayer
   the problem is that for example when you do mplayer -dumpstream, the
   stream will be owned by root. Ugh. If you don't dump
   streams/audio/video/subtitles, you'll be fine.
2) download latest svgalib, configure it and build svgalib_helper
   module. Install it (just the module svgalib_helper.ko, no need to
   install whole svgalib). Recompile mplayer with svgalib headers, e.g.
   by copying svgalib_helper dir to libdha dir. Insert the module and
   check permissions, e.g. do 
   (/sbin/modprobe svgalib_helper; sleep 3; chmod 666 /dev/svga /dev/svga1) &
   in your startup script. That's all. The only catch is not to forget
   to recompile svgalib_helper after updating the kernel. For latest
   kernels (2.6.16 and 2.6.17) you also need to fix svgalib_helper
   building problem, patch should be floating around, not really hard to
   fix it yourself though.



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