[MPlayer-users] Can anyone play this movie

Serge Matovic matovics at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 17 13:41:04 CET 2005

I'm sorry to bother you with this question again, but
I'm determined to get my mplayer going on this movie.
Here are the details:
1) I'm using Debian etch.

2) I download the movie to my hard drive, like this:


3) Try to play it like this:
$mplayer -vo x11 -nosound ladyinthewater_h480p.mov

And it plays video perfectly !!!
But, as soon as I add any of the -ao options, it goes
into slow motion (-ao oss), or goes choppy (-ao alsa).

If anybody is interested in helping me, I could
provide more details.

Just wanted to add, that when I boot my computer with
the PClinuxOS live CD, the same movie plays perfectly,
both, video and sound (it uses kaffeine/xine).

Many thanks.

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