[MPlayer-users] TT subtitles the hard way

tarass at club-internet.fr tarass at club-internet.fr
Sun Jan 18 21:39:32 CET 2004


In my quest to have subtitles in a vdr mencoded file, here where I arrived :

extract the subtitles in xml format,
then replace the as png in a remuxed mpeg file,
then use dvdauthor to make a dvd,
then encode the dvd like a real dvd extracting the subtitles.

My problem actually is to read the DVD produced with dvdauthor as a DVD 
without to have to burn it. I can read each vob-file but not all the DVD 
directory as a real DVD.

What is the right procedure to read a DVD directory produced by 
dvdauthor with no burning step ?

Thanks in advance.


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