[MPlayer-users] fast/slow scenes

Alejandro Néstor Vargas anv at xnetcuyo.com.ar
Thu Jul 4 16:41:02 CEST 2002

I was cding Harry Potter picture with mplayer but I had some problems: In
general, a bitrate of 600 or even less is enough for the 80/90% of the
picture.But it has some scenes where it is needed 800. I noted that the bitrate is
variable acording the needed, then:

How can I tell mencoder to use a very high bitrate for this scenes and one
much lower for the rest of the picture?

Alejandro Néstor Vargas
anv at xnetcuyo.com.ar
ICQ: 20528995.
Departamento de Desarrollo
X Net Cuyo S.A.

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