[MPlayer-matrox] 2.6.30 and mga_vid

Peter Magnusson iocc at mplayer2.lists.flashdance.cx
Thu Jul 9 20:49:00 CEST 2009

On Fri, 26 Jun 2009, Attila Kinali wrote:

>> What do you think it will be? Some nvidia card?
> I hope for the OGP.

Didnt even know what it was. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OGP)
Doesnt sound like something that will come anytime soon unfortunate.

> Other than that, i don't know. Currently there are only
> three choices: ATI, nvidia and Intel. ATIs and nvidias
> drivers suck badly, either are closed source or buggy as hell.

Have you seen the tv-out from nvidia under linux, I have heard that it
look great. Isnt that true?

> But for now, i'll stay with my G550. I still have a G550 PCI-e
> (which a very friendly guy from Germany donated) so i can
> stick with Matrox for a while.

And I'll stay with my G400MAX :)
It will run into problems when I need a new computer that doesnt have AGP 

> While we are at it, i think it's a shame that matrox changed
> it's documentation policy and closed up their graphics card.
> They still make cool stuff that you'd use for a PC you want
> to work with (aka not for gaming), but using closed source drivers
> is a big no-no in a fast changing OSS enviroment.
> And I'm quite surprised, that they do not get how much potential
> the OSS market has, although they are still selling G550, a 10y
> old card that is heavily over priced compared to the competitors.
> I wonder who they think is buying them.
> And they wouldnt even have to open all specs. Just enough to get
> all 2D and basic 3D functionallity would be more than enough.
> People would love it and buy these cards in the dozens.
> Heck, i know i would.


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