[MPlayer-matrox] insmod error

Ferdinand O. Tempel ftempel at linuxops.net
Tue Mar 8 19:46:13 CET 2005

On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 17:32 +0000, Aiace Aquila wrote:
> I looked into old mplayer threads and only one man had my problem, but no 
> one answer !

That's easy, it usually means noone knows or cares.

> where you can read to use the command "insmod mga_vid.o" and not "insmod 
> mga_vid.ko":
> I'm too much stupid to understand? I'm to much new in linux? Is the 
> documentation wrong?

The kernel 2.6 port isn't officially supported by the mplayer team
(yet). A few people actually care enough about this thing to work on it
and support it. Since this port isn't something "mplayer official" it
also means the documentation on using mga_vid with new kernels, and
especially the translations is useless for you. What you're looking at
are instructions for 2.4 kernels. What you *should* be doing is properly
install the module (make install helps), run depmod -ae, and then use
*modprobe* to load the module (modprobe mga_vid), not insmod. Not that
the result will differ much from using the insmod method, but at least
you're then using the proper method to load modules.

Oh, and you should be watching your syslog carefully for signs of
indecent behaviour.

> I'm very happy if you help me, because I need mplayer for my work, but my 
> work isn't make mplayer program.

Hmm, convince $work to sponsor the mplayer project? :-)

> Now, if you don't know how to help me (or you don't want to ) please say it 
> and don't send me to read any long "netetiquette" or as long as inuseful 
> "how to..."

It's hard to help if the problem description isn't very clear. That's
why you were referenced to ESR's faq on how to ask questions.
Admittedly, it's not easy to write proper bug reports. Bickering back
and forth doesn't help either though, so swallow the ego, stop
complaining and start working on getting your problem solved.

BTW, mga_vid works like a charm here and has been working like a charm
since 2.6.0-test1. Since 2.6.9 a couple of changes were needed to get
things to build, but nothing major, and it shouldn't prevent things from
working...on a kernel.org kernel that is, who knows what SuSE does with
its distribution kernels. I think that's the first thing I'd try:
Replace your distro kernel with one from kernel.org and try with that.
If that doesn't work either then you *might* have hit a bug in mga_vid
(somehow). Else you have to look at the kernel SuSE provides, not us.


Ferdinand O. Tempel

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