[Mplayer-matrox] Video output to TV out on an MGA400DH32MAX

Michael Scholz michael_scholz at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 15 11:32:05 CET 2004


Okay, I've read that before. As far as I understand this I have two methods: 
1. the XFree and 2. the framebuffer thing.

I kinda wanted to tackle this in two steps. First, I'd like to see if TV-out 
would ever work. Therefore I went for the XFree method and got it to work - 
but only for the basic X stuff. I wasn't able to watch the movie there yet. 
According to what's on the documentation about this I should get to an 
unaccellerated video playback. But that didn't happen. Again my question, 
which is IMHO not answered in the mplayer's online documentation, how do I 
finally address the desktop that's shown on the TV's screen for the mplayer 
playback window? Which video driver (-vo ???) do I have to choose? Do I have 
to setenv DISPLAY :1.0 or :0.1 or something like that additionally?

As soon as I got this done I want to go on with the framebuffer.



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