[MPlayer-G2-dev] Re: Data communication between demuxers and UIs

Attila Kinali attila at kinali.ch
Fri Jan 16 17:20:48 CET 2004

On Fri, 16 Jan 2004 15:48:02 +0200
"Andriy N. Gritsenko" <andrej at lucky.net> wrote:

> So I've proposed the idea then:
> 1) node which could have dinamic variables list provides that list
>   (template) as a variable with a special type to UI;
> 2) UI calls that node for init;
> 3) node changes own config structure as it needs;
> 4) UI rechecks node's config structure.
> I think it must be very simple. Tell me if I was dumb in that.

Yes, it's simple and that is the problem with it, it's too simple.

1) How do you represent the variables, their types and ranges ?
2) How do you avoid inconsistencies (possible sig11) when the node 
   changes the available variables and their ranges.
3) How do you signal changed values. Rechecking all structures
   for changes isn't a good idea.

			Attila Kinali

egp ist vergleichbar mit einem ikea bausatz fuer flugzeugtraeger
			-- reeler in +kaosu

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