[MPlayer-dvb] Mencoder and DVB-C Non-FTA channels

Nico Sabbi nsabbi at email.it
Tue Sep 19 14:35:39 CEST 2006

Jonas Roum-Møller wrote:

>Talked to some of the devs on linuxtv -IRC. They recomeded using gnutv
>or zap (for test) - both part of linuxtv-dvb-apps in hg. I tried gnutv
>but found a couple of errors related to CAM access, but they fixed this
>immediately (credits go to the linuxtv devs :). And currently I'm able
>to record directy to disc using gnutv. Or setup vdr0 and have mencoder
>read from that.. However, there seems to be a bug with mplayer: If I set
>gnutv to output to stdout and have mencoder read directly from that,
>mplayer crashed, leaving a Broken pipe. This can be reproduced even if I
>try to:  cat gnutvrecordedfile.mpg | mplayer - 
>However mplayer gnutvrecordedfile.mpg works just fine..

post a gdb backtrace, please

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