[MPlayer-dvb] Mencoder and DVB-C Non-FTA channels

Nico Sabbi nsabbi at email.it
Mon Sep 18 12:52:21 CEST 2006

Jonas Roum-Møller wrote:

>I've been reading through this list but has not been able to find a
>solution for my problem. I currently have a TechnoTrend-C1500 with a CI
>module and a Viaccess CAM. I have a subscription card, and everything
>works in windows on another machine. But how can i, using
>mplayer/mencoder, view Non-FTA channels?
>I use: mencoder -of mpeg -oac copy -ovc copy -o file.mpeg dvb://CHANNEL
>for recording, and this works fine for FTA channels, but no video stream
>is found for pay-tv channels.
>Any suggestions would be appreciated, perhaps if it is not possible with
>mplayer, then another program?

no way with mencoder alone,  maybe czap  + mencoder -

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