[MPlayer-dvb] Mencoder and DVB-C Non-FTA channels

Nico Sabbi nsabbi at email.it
Fri Oct 6 12:01:00 CEST 2006

Jonas Roum-Møller wrote:

>Hi, sorry for the late reply..
>I have not been able to run gdb when piping data.. 
>But I've found a work-around, I simply set -cache to 1024 or similar,
>this will have mencoder wait for correct data instead of quitting
>prematurely. Only problem with this methods seems to be that the
>generated avi files doesnt have an index, so I can't see the duration of
>the recording, I can however seek in it.

using or avoiding the cache doesn't affect in any way the
generation of the index; if the index is missing you have some
other problem

>I'm now using:
>/usr/local/dvb-apps/bin/gnutv -out stdout DVBCHANNELNAME | mencoder
>-cache 1024 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=2000:keyint=300
>-oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=224 -vf pp=ld -o OUTPUTFILE -
it's perfectly fine

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