[Mplayer-dvb] Implementing DVB subtitling

Nico nsabbi at tiscali.it
Thu Apr 1 08:39:40 CEST 2004

Harri Forsgren wrote:

> Hi
> I've been writing a small library for parsing and rendering DVB 
> subtitles. It can be downloaded from
> http://koti.mbnet.fi/hforsgre/libdvbsub/libdvbsub.tar.gz
> It would be nice for us finns and others, who don't have to suffer of 
> dubbing and don't understand all languages on earth, to be able to 
> have working DVB subtitling in mplayer. However I have very limited 
> knowledge about mplayer's internals. So I thought if someone else 
> could write/aid on writing the mplayer part of subtitling.
the demuxer already pushes sub packets to the appropriate fifo 
(demuxer->subs), but it needs some small
and easy additions: (page index and some other); the main problem is that
the subs fifo isn't treated like all the others: it's hardwired to the 
dvd subs; this is the reason why showing
other subs types is a real nightmare/challenge in mplayer.
In order to show DVB subs it's necessary to clean that code and make the 
fifo usable, IMHO.

> Basically subtitling can be implemented by sending PES packets to 
> subtitle decoder and handling callbacks telling about pages ready to 
> be displayed. For rendering mplayer must implement functions for 
> drawing horizontal lines, drawing strings and setting color maps. More 
> information is in libdvbsub.tar.gz.
> Library is very much untested, but included program dvbsub2png seems 
> to work at least with finnish channels provided by YLE although colors 
> aren't correct.
can you upload some sample in ftp://www.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/incoming
and tell us the name(s), please?


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