[Mplayer-dvb] Implementing DVB subtitling

Harri Forsgren hforsgre at mbnet.fi
Thu Apr 1 01:31:33 CEST 2004


I've been writing a small library for parsing and rendering DVB 
subtitles. It can be downloaded from


It would be nice for us finns and others, who don't have to suffer of 
dubbing and don't understand all languages on earth, to be able to have 
working DVB subtitling in mplayer. However I have very limited knowledge 
about mplayer's internals. So I thought if someone else could write/aid 
on writing the mplayer part of subtitling.

Basically subtitling can be implemented by sending PES packets to 
subtitle decoder and handling callbacks telling about pages ready to be 
displayed. For rendering mplayer must implement functions for drawing 
horizontal lines, drawing strings and setting color maps. More 
information is in libdvbsub.tar.gz.

Library is very much untested, but included program dvbsub2png seems to 
work at least with finnish channels provided by YLE although colors 
aren't correct.

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