[Mplayer-dvb] Skystar 2 & mplayer 1.0pre2 probs

Nico nsabbi at tiscali.it
Wed Nov 19 12:28:47 CET 2003

Prakash K. Cheemplavam wrote:

> Since you mention it: How is the situation with kernel 2.6? I used 
> --with-dvbincdir (or alike) to point to the includes to the 2.6 
> kernel, as otherwise the includes are not installed to the system. 
> WoOuld it make sense to modify configure for 2.6 kernels to search in 
> /usr/src/linux/include/ (or wherever it was)?
I successfully compiled mplayer with kernel 2.6-test4

passing --with-dvbincdir=/usr/src/linux/include/

Modifying configure is not necessary, because dvb headers are supposed 
to be  installed in a system directory (/usr/include/)
by the distribution or by the user, or overridden with 



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