[MPlayer-DOCS] Change charset for help_mp-de.h

mail at kraymer.de mail at kraymer.de
Sat Sep 16 13:25:34 CEST 2006

Hey folks,

since I'm using unicode on my system for a while now, I'd like to change
the character encoding of help_mp-de.h from iso-8859-1 to utf-8. It makes
editing the file easier for me.My guess is that iconv will take care of all necessary conversions when
the sources are compiled but well, I thought I better ask here for
opinions on that before commiting the following changes:
1. conversion: iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 help_mp-de.h > <new version>

2. change of help_mp-de.h.charset

Is it okay to go with that?


"Man, it's hot! How hot is it? It's so hot, I poured McDonalds
 coffee in my lap to cool off!"  *giggle* "Johnny Carson said it."
                                 --Fry, Futurama (Crimes of the Hot)

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