[MPlayer-DOCS] minor encoding-tips thinko fix

Jeff Clagg snacky at ikaruga.co.uk
Tue Feb 28 21:55:21 CET 2006

Surely, the original text had something a bit backwards here. I also
added a helpful sentence at the end of the para. Based on a discussion
seen in #mplayer.
-------------- next part --------------
Index: DOCS/xml/en/encoding-guide.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/mplayer/main/DOCS/xml/en/encoding-guide.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.41
diff -u -r1.41 encoding-guide.xml
--- DOCS/xml/en/encoding-guide.xml	26 Feb 2006 09:35:21 -0000	1.41
+++ DOCS/xml/en/encoding-guide.xml	28 Feb 2006 20:51:54 -0000
@@ -377,9 +377,11 @@
   With a two pass encode, the first pass will rip the movie as though it
   were CBR, but it will keep a log of properties for each frame. This
   data is then used during the second pass in order to make intelligent
-  decisions about which quantizers to use. During fast action or low
+  decisions about which quantizers to use. During fast action or high 
   detail scenes, higher quantizers will likely be used, and during
-  slow moving or high detail scenes, lower quantizers will be used.
+  slow moving or low detail scenes, lower quantizers will be used.
+  Normally, the amount of motion is much more important than the
+  amount of detail.

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