[MPlayer-DOCS] main/TOOLS documentation?

VMiklos mamajom at axelero.hu
Sun Feb 20 15:39:55 CET 2005

On Sat, 19 Feb 2005, Diego Biurrun wrote:

> Hmm, you are using tabs in the README file, that's why you needed a
> linebreak and I did not (tab-width=2).  I suggest you use spaces
> instead.

replaced all tabs with spaces

> I suggest you put empty lines between program descriptions everywhere.


> Do you want to finish documenting the other TOOLS or should I commit a
> version in between?  As said before, the structure is not optimal
> currently, but of course it's 1000x better than no documentation at
> all.

no content improvement in the attached file, only cosmetics
i hope tomorrow i'll have time to document the c codes and then 
do the recategorization

udv / greetings,

Developer of Frugalware Linux, to make things frugal - http://frugalware.org

-------------- next part --------------
README for the TOOLS directory

1. Preamble

In this directory you can find some nice scripts and code that makes
using MPlayer and MEncoder easier, for example scripts for DVD track
encoding in 3-pass mode or creating SVCDs from a movie.

2. Shell scripts in TOOLS dir

2.1 divx2svcd
        Author:         Miklos Vajna

        Description:    A simple utility that creates a SVCD from a video in an
                        AVI container

        Usage:          'divx2svcd input_avi [options]'
                        see 'divx2svcd -h' for more info

2.2 fastmem.sh
        Author:         Arpi

        Description:    benchmark/testbed for fastmemcpy stuff

        Usage:          './fastmem.sh'

2.3 mencvcd
        Author:         J?rgen Hammelmann

        Description:    Converts DVD (or anything else that MPlayer plays) to

        Usage:          'mencvcd <basename> [mencvcd options] [mplayer options]'
                        see 'mencvcd -h' for more info

        Note:           Requires mplayer, mjpegtools, vcdimager, cdrdao, and
                        optionally lame, toolame and sox.
2.4 midentify
        Author:         Tobias Diedrich

        Description:    Runs 'mplayer -identify' for all arguments while
                        preventing video window flashing.

        Usage:          './midentify file1 [file2 ...]'

2.5 mpconsole
        Author:         Rich Felker

        Description:    Script to run MPlayer on the console (fbdev/mga_vid/etc)
                        without the console text and/or flashing cursor getting
                        in the way.

        Usage:          './mpconsole [mplayer options]'

2.6 mplmult.sh
        Author:         Reimar D?ffinger

        Description:    Example how to output video on multiple windows in sync.
                        Might be even more useful in combination with vo ggi to
                        distribute the video arbitrarily.

        Usage:          './mplmult.sh n mplayer-opts'
                        n               number of MPlayer instances that display
                                        the video
                        mplayer-opts    any options you would pass to MPlayer,
                                        more than one file will usually not work

2.7 sws-test
        Author:         Michael Niedermayer

        Description:    Very simple script to generate PNG images from a video
                        with all -sws methods.

        Usage:          'sws-test <video-file> <start-pos> <res>'
                        example: 'sws-test abc.avi 10 160:120'

2.8 x2mpsub.sh
        Author:         Gabucino

        Description:    Converts the subtitles in the current directory into
                        MPsub format (subtitles go in ./converted-subtitles/*)

        Usage:          './x2mpsub.sh'

3. Perl scripts in TOOLS dir

3.1 calcbpp.pl
        Author:         Moritz Bunkus

        Description:    A script that calculates the $bpp for a movie, mentioned
                        in DOCS/tech/encoding-tips.txt, see that document for
                        more info.

        Usage:          './calcbpp.pl <resolution> <aspect ratio> <bitrate>
                        resolution:     the cropped but unscaled resolution (use
                                        '-vf cropdetect')
                        aspect ratio:   the encoded aspect ratio. All DVDs come
                                        at 720x576 but contain a flag that tells
                                        the player wether it should display the
                                        DVD at an aspect ratio of 4/3 (1.333) or
                                        at 16/9 (1.777). Have a look at
                                        MPlayer's output - there's something
                                        about 'prescaling'. That's what you are
                                        looking for.
                        bitrate:        the video bitrate in kbit/s
                        fps:            the fps.
                        example:        './calcbpp.pl 720x440 16/9 896 25'

3.2 countquant.pl
        Author:         Moritz Bunkus

        Description:    Counts the quantizers used for the encoding, mentioned
                        in DOCS/tech/encoding-tips.txt, see that document for
                        more info.

        Usage:          './countquant.pl < divx2pass.log'
                        It will print out which quantizer was used how often.
                        If you see that e.g. the lowest quantizer (vqmin=2) gets
                        used for > 95% of the frames then you can safely
                        increase your picture size.

3.3 dvd2divxscript.pl
        Author:         Florian Schilhabel

        Description:    Yet another DVD to divx helper script.
                        This script encodes a DVD track in 3-pass mode to
                        libavcodec's mpeg4. Optionally it writes the resulting
                        moviefile to a CD-ROM as well as the corresponding audio
                        track to MP3. Optionally it writes the resulting
                        moviefile to a CD-ROM and shuts down the computer.
                        If you like, you can watch the mencoder output on

        Usage:          --help       show help
                        --abr        (AudioBitRate) Please enter the desired
                                     bitrate this can be either [96|128|192]
                                     Default: 128 kbit/sec.
                        --lang       specify the Language of the audio track
                                     this can be for example <en> or <de>
                                     Default: <de>
                        --dvd        specify the DVD track you want to encode
                        --cdsize     specify the size of your CD-ROM
                                     Default: 700MB
                        --shutdown   Shutdown the system, when the encoding
                                     process has finished. This will only be
                                     possible if you are root.
                        --out        Specify the name of your encoded movie. The
                                     file extension will be appended
                        --writecd    Takes the newly created movie and writes it
                                     to a CD-ROM.
                        --writedev   The usual cdrecord device identifier, for 
                                     example 0,1,0
                        --speed      the writing speed
                                     Default: 4
                        --dvd-device device to pull the video off
                                     Default: /dev/dvd

3.4 mp.pl
        Author:         Felix Buenemann

        Description:    Small helper script that allows to play multiple files
                        with MPlayer. Wildcards are supported (eg. './mp.pl -vo
                        x11 /data/*.avi').

        Usage:          mp.pl <parameters> <files>
                        Where <parameters> are all possible commandline switches
                        for MPlayer and <files> can be either a list of files,
                        like file1 file2 file3 and/or a wildcard definition,
                        like *.avi. Example:
                        './mp.pl -vo x11 /dvd/VIDEO_TS/VTS_05_*.VOB movie.asf'

3.5 perlbench.pl
        Author:         Felix Buenemann

        Description:    fastmemcpy benchmark script

        Usage:          './perlbench.pl'

3.6 plotpsnr.pl
        Author:         Jonas Jermann

        Description:    Draw PSNR log graphs using gnuplot.

        Usage:          './plotpsnr.pl [options] <file>'
                        -h, --help    Display this help message
                        -quant        Display quantizers
                        -size         Display size
                        -psnr         Display PSNR
                        -iframes      Display I-frames
                        -pframes      Display P-frames
                        -bframes      Display B-frames
                        -aframes      Display all frames in different colors
                        -cmp <file2>  Compare two files
                        -qs <style>   Quantizer style
                        -ss <style>   Size style
                        -ps <style>   PSNR style
                        Default: -quant -size -psnr -qs "p" -ss "i" -ps "p"

          Note:         Requires gnuplot.
                        Comparison is based on file2.
                        Comparison assumes that the frame numbers of both files

3.7 subedit.pl
        Author:         Michael Klepikov

        Description:    A script for pipelined editing of subtitle files.

        Usage:          './subedit.pl [switches]'
                        -if,--input-format <fmt>  input format; supported: SRT
                                                  default is SRT
                        -of,--output-format <fmt> output format; supported: SRT
                                                  default is same as input
                        -s,--shift <time>         shift all subtitles by <time>
                                                  (format: [-]hh:mm:ss,fraction)
                        -c,--scale <time>         scale by adding <time> to
                                                  overall duration
                        -f,--split-from <time>    Drop subtitles that end before
                        -t,--split-to <time>      Drop subtitles that start
                                                  after <time> (will truncate
                                                  timing if it overlaps a
                        -r,--renumber             renumber SRT subtitles in
                        -d,--debug                enable debug output
                        -h,--help                 help message

3.8 w32codec_dl.pl
        Author:         Tom Lees

        Description:    This script will download MS's codec dl interface as 
                        used by MS Media Player to attempt to locate the codecs
                        listed in codecs.conf. It will download them to a
                        directory "codecs/" below the current dir.

        Usage:          w32codec_dl.pl <codec.conf location>

        Note:           You will need the libwww-perl stuff and the utility
                        "cabextract" which may be found at

3.9 wma2ogg.pl
        Author:         Peter Simon

        Description:    Converts WMA files to Ogg or MP3.

        Usage:          './wma2ogg [options] (-f FILE1 | -f FILE2 ... | -a)'
                        -f, -file         filename
                        -a                converts all WMA files in the current
                        -t                output filetype (ogg, mp3)
                        -lame             I wanna use L.A.M.E. sure enough!
                        -br               bitrate (kb/s) [default=from the WMA]
                        -del              remove WMA file(s) after the

4. C codes in TOOLS dir


5. the GL-test dir


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