[MPlayer-dev-eng] bmovl bug : regression

Nicolas George nicolas.george at normalesup.org
Sun Jan 8 17:09:58 CET 2012

Le septidi 17 nivôse, an CCXX, Emmanuel Anne a écrit :
> Hi, I just noticed a very bad bug with bmovl in the current svn version
> (and since at least a few weeks).
> It's related to the fps, some files make it badly crash, but it's hard to
> tell which ones. Anyway some files have a bad fps in their header, mplayer
> identifies them with something like 1000 fps, but plays them correctly
> anyway at 25 or 30 fps in normal conditions. When passing -vf
> bmovl=1:0:fifo for example, then it tries to play the file with the bad fps
> from the number. If it's 1000 fps, then you get a crash.

Please provide a small sample file and a precise command line that exhibit
the problem.

> On a side note I noticed mplayer can't seem to be able to display subtitles
> embeded in a h264/aac video file, but I guess it's a known problem ? It
> detects the subtitle, even displays its language when using the j key, but
> there is no way to make it to display it.

Again, please point us to a sample file, or at least copy-paste the whole
output of mplayer.


  Nicolas George
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