[MPlayer-dev-eng] Reverted patch of time-based PTS locking

Reimar Döffinger Reimar.Doeffinger at gmx.de
Mon Aug 13 23:11:49 CEST 2012

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 02:31:29PM +0200, Pásztor Szilárd wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that my new mplayer compilations fail miserably on H.264 PAFF
> streams, for which I contributed a series of patches back in 2010.
> In cvslog I found that the time-based PTS recalculation part got removed on
> Aug 18 2011:
> "Log:
> Remove strange pts locking code that would never really result in good
> A-V sync and actually break it quite seriously in some cases
> (Reportedly NTSC DVDs with pullup under high CPU load?)
> Patch by Steaphan Greene [sgreene <at> cs binghamton edu]"
> I find this move problematic because this now renders mplayer incapable of
> properly handling interlaced PAFF H.264 streams by default - again.

Did you try with -mc 100? Actually the sample I tried
(http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/V-codecs/h264/PAFF/Sat1PAFF.ts) seems
to work fine even without most of the time (though I admit it is a
bit hard to tell).

> In every case, the time-based algorithm resulted in the best A-V sync for me
> and it certainly locks in correctly for all H.264 streams I could find - and
> there are many of them.

Where as far as I could tell by the code "correctly" means it doesn't
even try to get closer than 400 ms. While it might be better than
nothing, some would consider that unwatchable.

> Please point me to sample(s) that were broken by this code so I can look into
> it and apply a fix if needed.

That would be welcome, unfortunately I don't know/have one at hand right
now, hopefully someone else can help.
In the mean time, maybe you could point me to a sample for your issue?

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