[MPlayer-dev-eng] Screen Area -vs- Video Area

Steaphan Greene sgreene at cs.binghamton.edu
Tue Aug 16 09:39:09 CEST 2011

There seems to be some confusion within the mplayer code about how to
properly tell where the actual video is within the display area.  What I
mean is, it seems that full-screen playback of videos with different
aspect ratios than the screen itself (eg: 4x3 DVDs on a 16x9 display)
causes overlay elements to be incorrectly positioned and sized, and
mouse events to be incorrectly placed.

For example, the rescale_input_coordinates() function in command.c seems
to be trying to use the vo_dwidth and vo_dwidth variables -vs- the
vo_screenwidth and vo_screenheight variables to compensate for this for
mouse events.  However that's not how these variables are actually setup
by libvo/x11_common.c - so this seems to always fail.

Worse, with a 4x3 in 16x9 scenario:  With -vo xv, the mouse events are
still wrong, but the DVD overlay graphics are correctly placed/sized.
With -vo vdpau, the mouse events are still wrong, but now so are the
positions and sizes of the DVD overlay graphics.

What is the "correct" way to properly tell where the video is within a
larger area (particularly once -aspect and zooming come into play), and
does anyone have a good idea how to go after getting everything to play
along with that correctly?


Steaphan Greene <sgreene at cs.binghamton.edu>
Lecturer, Computer Science, Binghamton University
GPG public key: http://www.cs.binghamton.edu/~sgreene/gpg.key.txt

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