[MPlayer-dev-eng] DxVA in MPlayer

Georgi Petrov gogothebee at gmail.com
Tue Dec 7 22:00:37 CET 2010

Well, unfortunately the ATI Radeon 4670 of my friend (which I'm going
to use until the required hardware arrives) doesn't support H264 VLD
decoding for DXVA 1 (its drivers actually) and I won't have a way to
test it. I tried, but it seems that latest ATI drivers under Windows 7
doesn't support VLD level decoding for any codec for DxVA 1. This
means that starting from DxVA 1 is close to pointless as one of the
first things is actually having a driver that actually allows me to
configure this decoding mode.

I've learned a couple of things about the API after I solved the
linking problem for the last 2 weeks and it turned out that it's
better off to start from Custom EVR. I'm sorry and I know that this is
opposite to my previous statement, but 2 days I worked hard in this
direction and it turned out that finding any DxVA 1 code examples is
much, much harder and in other players/configurations things tend to
break more easily compared to DxVA 2. Additionally my friend GPU's
drivers doesn't support it anyway...

So, any objections to my already work in progress on the new renderer
(Custom EVR)? Once it is ready, I will go forward to H264 support
through DxVA 2 (the original plan).

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