[MPlayer-dev-eng] [RFC] keep fullscreen mode over aspect, file etc. change if set by user

Vladimir Mosgalin mosgalin at VM10124.spb.edu
Sat Sep 8 15:44:16 CEST 2007

Hi Reimar Döffinger!

 On 2007.09.08 at 15:01:43 +0200, Reimar Döffinger wrote next:

> > Volume, OSD level and audio delay are the only ones I can think of
> > offhand (aside from seeking, which is not persistent), and all of those
> > reset to their command-line-specified values at file change. Would you
> > argue that those should also persist between files?
> Volume does not reset (at least not if it's a hardware mixer, not sure

It does.. I haven't used a card with hardware mixer for a long time

> about -softvol), but there is no way to set volume from commandline
> anyway.

There is, for example I'm using -af volume=-5 as default option (50%
volume).  -af volume=-11 is 25% volume and so on.

That's because I'm using replaygain in music player to normalize
loudness level of my music, and rarely change volume setting on my
reciever (i.e. only when I want music to be louder or quieter for some
reason - but when it's at some constant level average loudness is more
or less the same).

On the other hand, mplayer falls out of the picture because it doesn't
support replaygain (and not if that would help because you don't usually
calculate replaygain of an audio track in movie ;). However, there is
simple solution that mostly works: volume level is usually "too loud",
so I found that -af volume=-6 or -7 setting usually sets loudness level
pretty much the same as if replaygain was used, and requires only small

That said, I don't really mind that volume level resets to the same
level at the start of playback, though it probably would be better if
this was fixed.

> I forgot
> 3) make it depend on -fixed-vo: old behaviour with -nofixed-vo, while
> -fixed-vo keeps fullscreen state.

Great idea, it should probably work this way.

PS I'm enjoying your fix each time I run mplayer with a series of
files - thanks again for it, hope it'll get commited soon!



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