[MPlayer-dev-eng] Re: Re: MPlayer + MatrixView

Pigeon pigeon at pigeond.net
Thu Aug 17 14:15:52 CEST 2006

    Revised patch:


    - Got rid of GLU
    - Made the matrix code texture smaller (128x64)
    - It now uses GetTimer
    - Got rid of contrast and brightness suboptions
    - Default matrix_cols and matrix_rows is set before subopt parse

    One thing I noticed though, that if I run:

    mplayer -brightness 100 <file> -loop 0

    then during the first play i adjust the the brightness with the 3/4
keys, then wait till the next loop, the adjusted brightness will stay,
until I hit 3/4, which goes back to 100 instantly. I noticed the same
behavior with other vo too (tried with xv, gl).


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