[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] subtitle reload, slave mode - 5th try

kiriuja mplayer-patches at en-directo.net
Tue Mar 8 04:19:11 CET 2005

> Ok, again with the slave commands that load and reaload the subtitles.
> This pathc adds three commands for slave mode to load and reload and
> remove subtitles at runtime.

In your load_subtitles_file you duplicated all the code from
add_subtitles, but lost the -identify part. Instead you should call
add_subtitles and change it to return sub_data*.

Also, what happened to the OSD problem you mentioned in your previous
post? Were you able to solve it?

Also, now that -identify prints out all subtitle ids it actually loads,
referring to previously loaded subtitles by paths rather than indexes
is complete nonsense, and your for/strcmp code is totally redundant.

Also, you have a bunch of strdups in there, but it is not clear where
that memory is freed. Do you really need those strdups?


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