[MPlayer-dev-eng] Some patches

Oded Shimon ods15 at ods15.dyndns.org
Fri Jul 1 13:16:26 CEST 2005

On Fri, Jul 01, 2005 at 01:04:25PM +0200, Paul TT wrote:
> On Fri, 01 Jul 2005 01:43:39 +0300
> Cristian KLEIN <cristiklein at c7.campus.utcluj.ro> wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> > 
> > I made a few changes to MPlayer, and I though the whole comunity should 
> > take advantage of them.
> > 
> > 1) When in PAUSE mode, any key gets MPlayer out of pause mode. My patch 
> > is pretty nesty, because it makes MPlayer play frame-by-frame, for each 
> > given command, however, it is less anoying then missing a part of the 
> > movie, because fullscreen has been disactivated.
> i don't understand.....
> if you want to play it frame-by-frame use '.' key.... where's the need to change pause behaviour????? i prefer the way it works now, for instance... it lets you choose...

He wants it so, when you're paused, and you click full screen for ex., it 
STAYS paused.

"command" - unpauses
"pausing command" - pauses

he wants a

"staying command" - stays in whatever state it was before.

> > 2) I wanted to have a single option to auto-expand my movies to 4:3 
> > format. vf_expand does its job pretty well, however you have to know the 
> > width of the movie and make a few calculations to successfully apply it. 
> > Therefore, I modified the default behavior of vf_expand, when no 
> > parameter is given: output's width = input's width, output's height = 
> > input's width * 3 / 4. Still a nasty patch, but should make a lot of 
> > people happy.
> i don't understand this too very much...
> do you mean expand=scale??? 
> can you explain better?

This is actually useful, but not in the way that he did it.. (hard coded)
an 'expand' which, instead of expanding by resolution (expand=800:600), it 
expands by aspect (expand=4/3 ...)..

Hey, maybe i'll make a better patch for this... hmm

- ods15

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