[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] Vidix working again for ATI cards.

Daniel Moreno comac2k at teleline.es
Fri May 3 19:41:37 CEST 2002

This patch makes Rage128/Radeon vidix usable again. Fixes are:

1) pink window on radeons. Nick tried to get color key working at least 
twice. It seems he never succeeded. So, the image was being drawn, but 
not "over the right color".
Fix -> disable color key until we figure out how to make it work properly.
Drawback -> you cannot put anything on top of mplayer's window. (image 
will always be on top of everything)

2) hanging/very slow init for rage128 cards. It seems rage128 cards 
don't like reporting when they are idle. Recent modifications from Nick 
enter an infinite loop until suck notification is received.
Fix -> dissable the "idle polling" for rage128 cards.
Drawback -> it seems to work ok for me. But I cannot be sure it works 
for every rage128 card.

3) I420 output had swaped chroma information. Fixed by commenting out 
the chroma channel swaping for I420 output.

It has only been tested by me (with a Rage128 card) and Rémi Guyomarch 
(with a Radeon). So it has chances to work on all cards it's intended 
for, but no waranty. In any case it's better than being absolutely 
useless for both rage128 and radeon. O;)

Daniel Moreno - ComaC
Port pa'Linux del FinalBurn: http://fblinux.emuunlim.com/
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