[MPlayer-dev-eng] Doc overhaul, first example

Daniel Egger degger at fhm.edu
Sun Mar 3 12:13:42 CET 2002

Am Sam, 2002-03-02 um 18.50 schrieb Gabucino:

> If it is rewrite, why on earth HTML ?? Though I don't mean to tell you to
> rewrite it in SGML/tex/etc, and you shouldn't.

Valid HTML is a good start. And unless one can tell me what exactly
the goals of a new doc project would be I couldn't name any better 

> Yeah, now it compliant. And it looks like shit, Times, just as I foretold.
> http://mphq/~gabucino/test/grab.jpg

You are using Opera. Gimme a second I'll fix it for you.

> I'll never apply big patches like this. Fix english in the original file,
> fix HTML _errors_ in the original file, add new stuff to the original file.

It's not a patch, it's a new file.
> If you intend to completely rewrite DOCS, do it elsewhere, as some other
> people already did.

I've already gotten lots of feedback in private mail, positive only I
might add. What about we work together to make a better world?


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